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How To Prevent Hair Loss In Teenage Girl

Diffuse Thinning In Girls

How to stop hair fall & causes of hair loss in teenage girls or women | HairMD, Pune

Depending on the cause, males and females can typically lose their hair in very different ways . As we saw, boys often show their first sign of hair loss at the hairline and temples.

While women can also recede in the temples, their hair loss is more often diffuse. In other words, they retain a relatively intact hairline but thin all over the top of the head. The main sign of this is a wide part.

At first, such thinning can go unnoticed. By the time girls realize that their hair is thinner and the part wider, they might have lost most of the hair on their head. Unlike males, however, it is extremely rare for girls and women to go completely bald.

Limit Your Exposure To Chemicals

If you color or treat your hair with chemicals on a frequent basis, exercise caution. Hair follicles could be damaged and weakened by chemical procedures like straightening or perming, resulting in breakage and hair loss. Pool chemicals can have a similar impact if exposed to them for a long time.

Chemical hair treatments should be avoided wherever possible. To preserve your hair when swimming, wear a swim cap. If youre a regular swimmer, use hair treatments designed for swimmers to replenish the moisture lost on your scalp and hair.

Bottom Up Hair Loss In Teenage Females

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What Are The Warning Signs Of Hair Loss

It can be hard to tell if youre losing hair especially if your hair loss happens gradually.

Instead, you may notice that your ponytails dont feel as thick, or that your scalp is more visible.

If youre unsure, ask your stylist if they have noticed any differences. This is especially important for women who are experiencing hair loss in areas that are difficult to see without someone elses help, such as the top of the scalp.

If you or your stylist suspect hair loss, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Generally, the sooner you act, the more hair you can save.

Faqs On Teenage Hair Loss

5 common causes for hair loss in teenage girls

Question: Can puberty cause hair loss?Answer: Puberty cannot cause hair loss directly, although there are hair loss conditions that can be triggered at this age. For example, the start of menstruation can trigger deficiencies which can be identified via specific blood testing. Further, genetic thinning conditions such as male and female pattern hair loss can also start at this age. You can find more information about this here.

Question: Why is my hair falling out as a teenager?Answer: As a young adult, the hormone changes you are experiencing can mark the start of adult hair loss conditions. There are a few possible diagnoses for this. Your best option is to contact a qualified and experienced trichologist who should be able to diagnose your condition and give you some treatment options.

Question: Is it normal for a teenager to lose hair?Answer: Everyone loses a certain amount of hair each day, and in many cases, this is a natural part of the hair growth cycle. However, if you feel that your hair loss has recently increased. Then contact us to make an appointment today.

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Receding Hairline In Teenage Years: How To Prevent It

Youre probably losing hair because of stress, anxiety or genetics. Studies have shown that teenagers have a lot of stress during their final years of college and university.

Its one thing being a young person facing typical youth-life issues, but its a whole other being a teenager with a receding hairline.

any remedy to stop a receding hairline before it becomes conspicuous? Plus isit possible to regain a normal hairline?

To answerthese questions, youll need to look at this condition holistically, from thecauses of the illness to the symptoms, prevention measures, cure, etc.

Thats theonly way to know whether youre suffering from a receding hairline, why, plusthe best remedies available.

Hair Loss In Teenage Girls: Causestreatment And 8 Home Remedies

Hair Loss is one of the most common problems faced by teenage girls nowadays. Almost every 2 in 5 girls suffer from this issue in their teenage days. Some come to a point in their life where they finally accept that they will lose hair, no matter how many remedies they try out. However, this is not the truth. By trying a couple of effective home remedies and proper medicines, you can get away from hair loss in teenage girls efficiently.


Moreover, there are several reasons why teenage girls face hair loss problems, and if they start working on them, they will stop losing their precious hair. Hair loss is also noticed to cause some emotional trauma in girls.

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A Note About Hair Loss In Teens

In natural health and healing, we believe in holistic health and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly interlinked, often beyond Man’s understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.

In order to do so, the body needs the support of some basic dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem, these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.

Hair loss during adolescence generally means that either dietary requirements have not been met , or it can signal an illness. Certain medications or medical treatments, such as chemotherapy for cancer, will also cause hair loss, albeit loss that can be reversed.

Also, many teens try hairstyles – such as tight braids or cornrows – that can put stress on hairs for long periods and damage the delicate hair shaft, leading to temporary hair loss. Though episodic hair loss will be a disconcerting situation for an appearance conscious teen, most hair loss in teens can be reversed.

The following include some of the most common reasons for hair loss in teens:

Alopecia areata

Androgenetic alopecia

Disruption of the hair growth cycle

Traction alopecia

Poor nutrition or diet

Medical Causes Of Hair Loss In Children

What Causes Hair Loss in Teenage Girls and How to STOP IT!

For the majority of children 26 months or older suffering hair loss, one of the following conditions is the cause. Your child’s pediatrician or a pediatric dermatologist should be able to diagnose these conditions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Tinea capitis. Tinea capitis, commonly known as ringworm of the scalp, is a fungal infection often seen in children. It can show up in a number of ways, but often as scaly patches of hair loss on the head. The patches are usually round or oval. The hairs may be broken off at the surface of the skin and look like black dots on the scalp.

If your child’s doctor suspects tinea capitis, a microscopic examination can confirm the diagnosis. Treatment usually involves an oral antifungal, such as griseofulvin taken by mouth for eight weeks. Your child should also use an antifungal shampoo such as selenium sulfide or ketoconazole to decrease shedding of the fungus.

Because ringworm is contagious, your child should be careful not to share any objects that touch the head such as hats, pillow cases, hair clippers, or brushes.

Alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a non-contagious condition of hair loss thought to be caused by the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles. It is characterized by the sudden appearance of round or oval patches of hair loss. The patches are slick or smooth, without scaling or broken hairs. About 25% of children also have pitting and ridging of the nails.

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What Steps Can I Take To Prevent Or Slow Hair Loss

Unfortunately, certain types of hair loss are genetic, and very little can be done to prevent them. Genetic types of hair loss include alopecia areata and female pattern hair loss.

But other types of hair loss can be brought on by stress and a poor diet. Do your best to eat a balanced diet, and find ways to take care of your mental health.

For added benefit, stay up to date with your routine checkups. Anemia, low levels of vitamin D and abnormal thyroid hormones can all affect the health of your hair. Simple bloodwork from your primary care physician can determine if these conditions are contributing to your hair loss.

Black women in particular are prone to a type of hair loss called traction alopecia, which is caused by heat, chemicals and tight styles that pull at the hair root, including some braids, dreadlocks, extensions and weaves.

Common Signs Of Hair Loss

Its very uncommon to go completely bald as a teenager. However, you may start to notice some of the early signs of male pattern baldness during your teens. These include:

  • Changes in your hairline. You may notice some hair thinning or hair loss around your temples, or along the hairline between your scalp and face. Your hairline may begin to develop an M or V-like shape as hair thins around your temples.

  • Thinning and/or hair loss on your scalp. You may notice that the hair on top of your head looks thinner than it did before. This may affect your entire scalp or the area near the crown of your head.

  • Hair loss after showering or brushing. You may find more hairs than normal on your hairbrush, comb or around the drain in your shower. Its normal to lose about 100 hairs every day as part of your hairs growth cycle. If you notice an abnormal amount of shedding, it could be an early sign that youre starting to lose your hair.

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Symptoms Of Receding Hairline In Teenage Males

Initially, the hair will fall out in front of the forehead, then the hair will grow out, but will gradually decrease and quickly break. Then, you will see a hairline backward and the first bald spots appear. Hair will fall off, gradually the whole area above the head is a large bald patch. Thats when receding hairline teenager occur.

A Receding Hairline In Boys

8 Remedies To Prevent And Treat Hair Loss In Teenage Girls

As we age, our hairline changes. There are two types of hairlines to be aware of: a maturing hairline, and a receding one. A maturing hairline is a natural process that takes place during late adolescence. It is normal and will happen in all boys, much like a deeper voice and hairy torso.

On the other hand, a receding hairline is problematic and signals a deeper issue. This is usually male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia . Unless treated in time, a receding hairline will keep on getting worse with time.

The main way to discern between a maturing and receding hairline is by looking at the pattern.

An even hairline one that keeps a consistent line from temple to temple is the main sign of a maturing hairline. An uneven hairline that is more recessed at the temples is a sign of a receding hairline, unless you have a natural widows peak, which further complicates the issue .

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Can Hair Loss Be A Sign Of A More Serious Problem

Yes. Hyperandrogenism, a medical condition characterized by excessive production of male hormones called androgens, can cause hair loss in affected women. The most common cause of hyperandrogenism in women is functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, also known as polycystic ovary syndrome. In addition to hair loss, other signs include obesity, acne, and irregular menstruation, and it is one of the most common causes of infertility.

Many of these women have metabolic syndrome — a combination of five medical conditions including belly fat and high blood pressure that increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Although hair loss stemming from hyperandrogenism can be treated with minoxidil, you need to seek care for the other conditions.

Home Remedies To Treat Hair Loss In Your Kids

There are many tried and tested home remedies to treat your child for hair loss. You can spare your little one from losing hair with these natural remedies. But you need to be careful when using any of these ingredients on your baby.

It is always better to consult a professional before trying any of the home remedies mentioned here. Your babys skin and scalp are very delicate and you need to be careful when using anything on it.

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What’s The Most Common Form Of Female Hair Loss

Female-pattern hair loss, which usually has a strong genetic component that can be inherited from either the mother or father. Also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, this type of hair loss can start as early as the late teens — and the earlier it starts, the more severe the hair loss tends to be.

Most women with pattern hair loss don’t get a receding hairline or bald spot on top of the scalp as is common in men. Instead, there is visible thinning over the crown. In men and women, hairs are miniaturized because of a shortened growth cycle where the hair stays on the head for a shorter period of time. These wispy hairs, which resemble forearm hairs, do not achieve their usual length.

The first sign of hair loss that most women notice is often widening of their part or that their ponytail is smaller. Read more about what causes androgenic alopecia.

Hair Treatment Coloring And Styling

How to Stop Hair Loss in Teenagers

Regularly coloring your hair or getting chemical hair treatments can damage your hair, and potentially lead to an increase in hair breakage. These treatments dont usually affect your hair root, and your hair will likely grow back once you stop treatment.

Chlorine found in swimming pools, bleaching your hair, and exposing your hair to excessive heat are also all potential causes of hair damage.

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