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Is Keeps Hair Loss Legit

Thickening Shampoo & Conditioner

Keeps Reviews from Real Keeps Customers. Find Out if Keeps Works From the People Who Know Best!

If your hair loss hasnt progressed to the point where you want prescription or intense chemical intervention or if you want products to support your hair as you simultaneously use more aggressive treatments you could opt for Keeps non-prescription shampoo and conditioner. Both products contain many natural ingredients, and they are vegan and gluten-free.

The shampoo contains a handful of ingredients that show promise as supplemental treatments for hair loss. It uses saw palmetto to reduce the presence of DHT on the scalp, albeit with far less efficacy than minoxidil. It also contains biotin to help improve the strength of your hair and caffeine and green tea to improve hair quality and stimulate hair follicles. The extent to which any of these ingredients work is minimal at best, but they arent totally ineffective.

Insider Tip: If you usually use inexpensive shampoo, you may be disappointed by the shampoos lather. Dont be. Most shampoo lather results from harsh chemicals, and Keeps products only contain things that are good for your hair and head.

The conditioner contains many of the same treatment-oriented ingredients as the shampoo, but its formula aims to moisturize the hair above all else. Maintaining moist and healthy hair is an integral part of keeping hair loss at bay, as it can prevent breakage that can increase the appearance of thinness.

How Do You Get A Refill From Hims Roman Or Keeps

Its actually surprisingly easy to get a refill for your Finasteride prescription from Hims, Roman or Keeps. The cost for a refill prescription is zero its included in your subscription cost. And these companies are going to reach out to you to let you know that your its time for an online follow up doctors appointment to get a refill.

For example, Hims and Roman are going to email and text you to remind you that its time for a telemedicine doctors exam, which can usually be completed in a simple online questionnaire for most men.

What Do Keeps Medicines Actually Look Like

Take a look at the photos below the medicines they offer look just like youd expect. Well branded medicines in attractive packaging!

We also have a video Keeps review this shows what it looks like to open a box from them, and give you more detail on what you get when you subscribe to one of their plans. Be sure to check out the different topical solutions we review in the video this is a major difference offered by them vs. the competition!

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My Experience With Minoxidil 5% Solution: 6 Months To 1 Year

With Keeps a regular part of my mornings, I started to feel more confident about my do, and I was starting to notice steady results in my Hair photo album and in the mirror. I supplemented my daily Keeps regimen with Biotin-infused shampoo for a one-two punch of follicle domination. Then, Keeps dropped the foam option, which I had seen from Rogaine, and was excited to try.

Using Keeps for 6 Months

The foam was a game changer. The application is much cleaner, easier and you get virtually all of the product to go exactly where you want it .

Ive now been using Keeps happily for over a year, and Im pretty pumped with the results. Check out a 6-month and 1 year photo below. My crown is almost completely filled in something I wasnt sure was possible when I first tried.

Keeps After 1 Year

If you want to drink from the Fountain of Youth, I suggest you try Keeps. Youll thank me in a year.

Who Would Benefit From Keeps

My Review: Keeps For Hair Loss (2020)
  • Guys who had success with products that use Minoxidil or Finasteride in the past but dont have a traditional physician.
  • Men who can afford the high cost of a subscription, which can climb to more than $100.
  • Those who want to sample the products and see how they work as Keeps has discounts when they sign up.
  • Guys looking for a way to boost their self-esteem after losing their hair.
  • Males with a family history of hair loss who want to handle future problems before they arise.

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My Experience With Minoxidil 5% Solution: The First Six Months

The first 3-4 months are hopeful yet sobering. I realized that this isnt a quick fix, and building the habit into my morning routine was probably the biggest hurdle to get over. It took me about a month before it was a standard part of my AM like brushing my teeth and washing my face. I made it a habit to apply right after I washed my hair and sloshed water on my hair , before towel drying it all down.

Using Keeps on Day #1

The one downside that deterred me from using it more often was the way the solution runs through your hair and onto your forehead. Or alternatively, down the back of your neck. If I somehow forgot to do it until the end of my routine, I found myself not wanting to get wet / ruin my styled hair, so I just wouldnt do it.

Nevertheless, I persevered, towel at the ready, and sure enough, I started to see some progress!

Below are the unedited, straight-from-my-Hair-album, photos, showing the progress from Day One to around six months in.

Using Keeps for 3 months

Try Keeps Minoxidil Solution for 50% off your first month

How Can You Use Keeps

To use Keeps and sign up as a subscriber, you need to click on the Get Started button, which youll see on every page. More than 65% of men will begin experiencing some signs of hair loss by the time they reach 35 and those signs will only worsen in the future. With Keeps, you simply follow a few convenient steps:

  • Pick a plan that works for you.
  • Talk with a telemedicine doctor to ensure you picked the right option.
  • Sign up and select a payment method.
  • Use the products that arrive to treat your hair loss.
  • Check your account to keep track of your progress.

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Keeps Review: Does This Hair Loss Treatment Work 2020 Review

Its not just your poor self-effacing uncle who jokes about baldness anymore. Younger people are going bald. In fact, two out of three men will experience minor to severe cases of male pattern baldness before the age of 35.It makes you wonder if theres any hope for baldness yet. What has happened in the last twenty or so years? Surprisingly a lot of research has been done and many new products are coming out with promises to restore a full and healthy head of hair.In this article, were going to review one product in particular, hair supplies and discuss the pros and cons of their program.

What We Liked

  • is one of the most affordable options for getting your hair back.
  • The company believes in safety first and puts you in touch with a doctor to make sure hair loss treatment is going to help you, not hurt you.
  • No waiting room, no face-to-face interview all products come by mail and doctors are accessible by phone!

What We Didnt Like

  • Only for men and male pattern baldness women beware!
  • No video calls, although you can send a picture to illustrate your hair loss patterns
  • The company doesnt appear to work with insurance companies

Bottom Line

Theres more to like about Keeps than not. Its a low-priced product with some free supplies and a free consultation to help you get started.

How To Stop Thinning Hair: Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Do KEEPS Hair Loss Treatments Really Work?

Medications are the most common treatment for hair loss in women. They include the following:

Minoxidil . This drug was initially introduced as a treatment for high blood pressure, but people who took it noticed that they were growing hair in places where they had lost it. Research studies confirmed that minoxidil applied directly to the scalp could stimulate hair growth. As a result of the studies, the FDA originally approved over-the-counter 2% minoxidil to treat hair loss in women. Since then a 5% solution has also become available when a stronger solution is need for a woman’s hair loss.

Clearly, minoxidil is not a miracle drug. While it can produce some new growth of fine hair in some not all women, it can’t restore the full density of the lost hair. It’s not a quick fix, either for hair loss in women . You won’t see results until you use the drug for at least two months. The effect often peaks at around four months, but it could take longer, so plan on a trial of six to 12 months. If minoxidil works for you, you’ll need to keep using it to maintain those results. If you stop, you’ll start to lose hair again.

Some women find that the minoxidil solution leaves a deposit that dries and irritates their scalp. This irritation, called contact dermatitis, is probably caused not by the minoxidil itself, but rather by the alcohol that is included to facilitate drying.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Keeps

Is Keeps safe? It is. The FDA has approved both minoxidil and finasteride for public use. The company also offers personal consultations with fully licensed, independent doctors.

Are there side effects? Side effects from the medications that Keeps sells are uncommon. However, finasteride can lead to erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and breast tenderness. Taking the medication

Should You Use Keeps As An Online Telehealth Startup

As we all know, talking about hair loss and seeking help is a touchy subject. Not a lot of people like to talk about it, let alone ask for treatment. With Keeps platform life gets easy. No need for a doctors appointment, no more uncomfortable conversation with the receptionist, or staying in line to pick up your prescription at the pharmacy every month.

Similarly, there are few advantages of choosing Keeps for your hair loss treatment products.

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Should You Buy It Keeps Pros And Cons

  • You can get a prescription for hair loss remedies from a licensed doctor without leaving your home.
  • Keeps lets you pick an annual plan or get deliveries every three to six months.
  • There are loads of discounts when you first join and when you pick a new subscription.
  • The subscription format encourages you to stick with the program and use the products daily, which can help you see results.
  • Keeps does not charge for your first appointment, which is helpful if you dont have insurance.
  • You will continue to see results as long as you keep using your prescribed products.
  • The site lets you log in and chat with a licensed doctor if you want to change your plan or have any questions.
  • All products use the generic forms of prescription medications to help you save money.
  • Keeps received approval from the FDA for its hair loss treatments.
  • You can choose a plan and other products, including shampoo and conditioner.

It can take more time than you expected to see results from Keeps.

Does Keeps Work For Hair Loss

Keeps Hair Loss Treatment Reviews

Keeps offers products that work for men in study after study specifically finasteride and minoxidil. In clinical trials, these two products stopped hair loss in the vast majority of participants, and even reversed it in around half, causing new hair to grow. Their supplemental offerings help protect your scalp while strengthening and nurturing your hair.

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Excellent Product Incredible Results

ByWilliam M.,New York, Verified Reviewer

I began noticing a receding hairline about a year and a half ago. When researching solutions, I started using minoxidil with limited results. When I stumbled upon Keeps, I immediately signed up because it’s cheaper than the alternatives and far cheaper.

The website is well made and the customer service team is responsive and informed. My intake visit with the doctor was a brief video call followed by a couple of photos of my hairline. Within a week or so, I had a box shipped to my door with three months’ worth of Propecia.

A quick anecdote: when I moved, I forgot to update my address so the Rx was returned to sender. Keeps then reshipped the original prescription for a small shipping fee.

I’d highly recommend the service for its ease of use and price point.

Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

How Finasteride Works

Finasteride blocks dihydrotestosterone , a hormone that causes male pattern baldness. Taking finasteride slows down hair loss. In some people, it can even stop hair loss.

It takes up to 3 months of daily use to see effects from finasteride. If you stop taking it daily, the effects can reverse themselves within about 1 year.

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How Does It Work

Hair loss is a major problem that men hope not to encounter. Male Pattern Baldness, also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, is one of the most common form of hair loss in men.

In fact, this happens earlier than anyone expects and 2 out of 3 guys will experience some form of MPB as early as 35 years old. Though there is still no cure despite todays advancement in science, there are proven treatments for such symptoms.

Keeps work in a straightforward process. The first step is to choose your treatment plan, where you can either choose for yourself or let a doctor choose what is suitable to you.& nbsp

The next step is to set it and forget it, you can expect to receive your package every three months at half the cost of your local pharmacy. The last step is to stay in control, track your progress and adjust or cancel your plan at any time.

This process lets Keeps contracted physicians assess your condition based on your hair loss, lifestyle, photos and medical history.

After their licensed physicians review your case, you will receive your recommended plan then you will be able to either place that order or just choose a treatment you feel is right for you.

Is Online Telehealth Startup Keeps Right For You


Keeps is an online doctor and pharmacy all wrapped into one, slick, hair preserving offering. From an online doctors visit where you can find out what hair loss medicines are right for you, to a subscription delivery of the drugs you need to keep your hair, this online pharmacy provides and end-to-end experience for men looking to stop going bald.

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