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How To Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

How To Stop Or Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss

How to Stop Postpartum Hair Loss | Grow Hair After Pregnancy with Morrocco Method

If the hair loss youâre experiencing is caused by hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and childbirth, the hair loss may simply stop on its own without any treatment at all.

Still, there are steps you can take to help prevent some of the hair loss:

  • Get enough vitamins and nutrients by eating lots of fruits and vegetables

  • Be gentle when you wash and brush your hair

  • Donât wear tight hairdos that can pull on your hair

  • Use only the cool setting on your hair dryer.

Above all, try to be patient with yourself. You have lots on your plate right now and there might not be much more you can do than wait it out. For some tips on handling your hair, you might like to try some of these easy hair styling cheats for new moms.

Monitor Your Hair Cycle

While some hair changes are inevitable for many women, there is natural technology that can help keep the hair cycle healthy. Professional activators are topically applied serums that use botanicals such as glycyrrhizin from licorice root, salicylic acid and a blend of botanicals such as sanguisorba and Japanese rose hips that act on the hair growth cycle, preventing excess hair fall and boosting growth. The topical évolis activators can be safely used during breastfeeding and can naturally support a healthy hair cycle, while the companion volume-boosting and fortifying shampoos, conditioners and hair masks have been specifically designed to support during excess hair fall and hair thinning.

S To Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

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Are you a new mom and wake up every morning with a large clump of hair on your pillow?Are you tired of scooping hair out of shower drains and sweeping strands off the bathroom floor?


So, let us inform you that all new moms experience this upsetting situation of extreme hair loss after pregnancy, though some lose more than others.

During pregnancy you might have experienced a WOW feeling about your supermodel-like hair. But after your baby is born your hair unexpectedly starts falling and youre like Good Lord, what the hell is going on?

But, dont worry youll not go bald because this is pretty normal and temporary scenario.

In this article, well explain postpartum hair loss or hair loss after pregnancy and how to prevent it. Because we wont let you suffer from Postpartum Depression.

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The Hair Growth Cycle

Normal hair cycle involves the replacement of every hair on the scalp every 3-5 years. Each hair follicle on our scalp has its own routine and growth speed uninfluenced by the neighboring hair follicle. Unfortunately, this makes it even harder for us to understand and control postpartum hair loss, or hair loss in general. What we do know is that the hair cycle has three phases:

  • Anagen growth phase.
  • Catagen transitional phase which lasts about ten days.
  • Telogen resting phase when hair is released and falls out.
  • Track Down The Right Hair Items

    Pin on AFAC Motherhood

    Certain hair items, shampoos, and conditioners are accepted to keep hair looking complete and solid.

    You might need to attempt a couple of various items before you discover one that turns out best for your hair and hairdo. Take a stab at searching for a portion of the accompanying characteristics:

    Search for items named volumizing cleanser.

    Keep away from molding shampoos, as these can cause the hair to appear less full or weighty.

    Stay away from serious conditioners. These might be excessively substantial and cause your hair to look less complete.

    Attempt to discover conditioners that are intended for fine hair.

    Items that contain biotin or silica might help too.

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    Ways To Prevent And Manage Postpartum Hair Loss

    Postpartum hair loss can be disappointing, but there are no laid out processes to prevent it completely. It is natural and can only be managed to help reduce the severity of hair loss and the emotional stress associated with it. Here are 9 ways to manage postpartum hair loss until your hair returns to its normal growth cycle.

    1. Uphold a very healthy dietThe drop in estrogen level after childbirth, which contributes to postpartum hair loss, is unavoidable. However, nutritional changes and other additional demands on your bodys energy may also affect your hair cycle. When your body lacks the basic nutrients , it toggles the available energy between essential body organs such as the liver, heart, lungs, and brain and keeps away from minor functions such as hair growth. These changes prolong and increase the period of postpartum hair loss.

    To avoid this, you may supplement your diet with

    • Vitamins and minerals
    • Fruits and vegetables Not only are these healthy, but they also contain antioxidants and flavonoids, which protect your hair and scalp.
    • Take food rich in protein, Vitamin C, Zinc, Biotin, Vitamin B, and Vitamin E. They are the best-suited nutrients for your body, and they ensure a properly balanced diet .
    • Consume fish and flaxseed oils These are rich in fatty acids like omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9, which promote healthy hair.
    • Meditation
    • Postnatal yoga, being a gentle exercise, can also help reduce your stress levels.

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    Foods That Help Stop Postpartum Hair Loss After Giving Birth

    Medically reviewed by Abbey Sharp, Registered Dietitian , BASc.

    Postpartum hair loss is a normal process, but can cause stress and anxiety for new moms. We review why it happens and what foods you can eat for healthy hair growth.

    Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and all of the changes it brings along with it are nothing short of magical. But that doesnt mean its fun to watch your hair come out in clumps after youve just pushed a freaking human out of your lady flower. Ah yes, if you were enjoying that thick luscious head of hair during pregnancy get ready for a RUDED awakening. According to a statistics from the American Pregnancy Association, 40-50% of women are affected by postpartum hair loss. Okay, so now I dont feel so badd.

    First, lets talk about how normal hair growth occurs before we get into postpartum hair loss.

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    Will My Hair Ever Grow Back After Pregnancy

    Will my hair every grow back? Remember: this is just a phase and its not permanent. Most women who experience hair shedding after pregnancy will notice their hair return back to its normal fullness by their babys first birthday. Some womens hair regains its fullness even earlier than one year post-birth.

    Swear Off Daily Shampooing

    How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy? Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Prevention!

    The change in your hormonal levels can increase your body temperate a bit, so it wont be surprising if you want to take a shower more than once every day. It will do you great, though, if you schedule shampooing every other day so as to not dry both your scalp and hair.If you really have to do it for diverse reasons, you can choose a mild shampoo that have less drying components compared to the regular ones.

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    Causes Of Postpartum Hair Loss

    Hair grows in cycles through the active phase and resting phase. Some hairs on your hair may be growing actively, while others may be in a resting phase. Eventually, hairs in the resting phase fall off and get replaced by new ones. However, this process is negligible, and we lose 50-100 hair strands every day.

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    However, the increased estrogen hormone level keeps your hair mostly in the active growth phase during pregnancy. With increased blood and nutrient circulation, the hair follicles get all the required supplies, and there is near zero hair loss. But as your estrogen level depreciates after pregnancy, you lose all that nice hair. It is, however, an accumulation of the resting phase hair which should have been lost during the span of 9 months .

    Alongside child-bearing labor and birth, the increased hormone levels, including estrogen, take a rapid fall to pre-pregnancy levels. In addition, cortisol levels remain in the increased state, and sometimes the thyroid hormones get into an imbalanced state. This increase and decrease in hormones cause hair follicles to fall out of their growth and resting phases.

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    How Hormones Affect Your Hair

    Hormones are the biggest reason for your pregnancy hair changes and postpartum hair loss.

    During pregnancy, your high levels of estrogen prevented your usual rate of hair loss. Normally, your hair falls out in small amounts every day. During pregnancy, your hair loss decreases. The effect is compounded by your increased blood volume and circulation, which also causes your hair to fall out less than normal.

    So after your baby arrives and your hormone levels drop, your hair makes up for lost time by falling out in much bigger clumps than it normally does. The total volume of your hair loss probably isnt more than you would have lost over the last nine months, it just seems like it because its happening all at once.

    Postpartum hair loss can set in any day after your baby arrives, and it sometimes continues as long as a year. It usually peaks around the 4-month mark, so if your baby is a few months old and youre still losing clumps of hair, that doesnt mean its time to panic!

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    What Are The Signs Of Sudden Hair Loss Due To Childbirth

    A few months after giving birth, you notice a massive hair loss. You lose over 100 hairs a day whereas the average person loses between 40 and 80 hairs per day. Vigourous, shiny and thick during your pregnancy, your hair looses its strength after childbirth and they are falling out sometimes at an alarming rate. You find them everywhere and feel like they are falling out in clumps. This is a sudden hair loss post-pregnancy. This hair loss can naturally decrease after a few weeks/months but sometimes without treatment it can last longer.

    Why Does Your Hair Fall Out After Having A Baby

    9 Steps To Prevent Hair Loss After Pregnancy

    A dramatic fluctuation occurs in your hormone level during and after your pregnancy. Pregnancy causes a rise in the levels of estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin and prolactin. Also, the volume of your blood rises by 50% more than the normal level, by your due date.

    Thus, during pregnancy days, you see a reduction in your usual hair fall rate. After delivery, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop quickly to their normal levels within 24 hours, while your blood volume drops back to normal within a few weeks.

    This is when your scalp makes up for the lost period by shedding hair in much larger amounts than it generally does. In fact, the whole volume of your hair loss may not be more than that you would have shed over the last 9 months.

    You just feel like you are losing more hair as it is happening all at once. This type of temporary hair fall due to hormonal imbalances is called telogen effluvium .

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    Do I Be Worried About Hair Loss After Pregnancy

    No, you should not be worried until there are severe signs of persistent hair loss even beyond the first year post delivery. Hair loss after pregnancy is normal and it is not like the actual hair fall, rather dermatologists call it as a phase of hair shedding which is triggered by a fall in oestrogen levels. And it is not a worrisome condition, as most women recover within a years time. But if at any point you feel you are experiencing an unusual hair loss, check with your gynaecologist immediately and take this ahead to a trichologist for treatment

    Your Questions About Sudden Hair Loss

    To help with your day-to-day problems, we put our scientific expertise at your disposal.


    No, it will not help, and we strongly advise against taking any preventive treatment because this type of hair loss is completely normal. It is a natural consequence of childbirth.


    Many women find it very hard to cope with losing their hair because it symbolizes a loss of their femininity. While waiting for it to grow back, opt for a shorter haircut, as this always makes the sparser areas seem less obvious. In addition, an above-the-shoulder cut gives an impression of volume, which helps hide the hair loss even more. If you have any questions, speak to a hairdresser who will be able to help.


    Postpartum hair loss usually begins around 3 months after giving birth, but this varies among women. However, if it happens much later, you could be suffering from gradual hair loss. Ask your doctor to find out the exact causes of your hair loss.

    No, fine hair is not more prone to hair loss. It is true that fine hair is generally more fragile and therefore breaks more easily, but this is not hair loss.

    Yes, that is absolutely correct. Massaging the scalp activates the local microcirculation and helps supply the nutrients needed for strong hair growth. Try COMPLEXE 5 Regenerating plant extract and give yourself a massage. It promotes well-being and relaxation and is a wonderful tonic and stimulant for the scalp.


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    When Should You See The Doctor About Postpartum Hair Loss

    If you notice that your hair loss is particularly severe, for example, if itâs patchy or youâve been shedding hair for longer than about six months or so, it might be time to see your doctor.

    In some cases, a thyroid issue such as having an overactive thyroid may be causing the hair loss. Some thyroid conditions are also linked to pregnancy or the postpartum period. If your doctor diagnoses a thyroid condition, he or she will be able to recommend treatment.

    Another possible cause of hair loss is an iron deficiency. If untreated, this can lead to a condition called iron deficiency anaemia, which can lead to other symptoms like

    • fatigue

    • heart palpitations

    • pale skin.

    Your doctor will be able to investigate the reasons for the iron deficiency and â if necessary â prescribe iron tablets to remedy the lack of iron in your blood.

    Dealing With Postpartum Hair Loss

    How To Stop Hair Loss after Pregnancy | Ways To Prevent Hair Fall After Pregnancy | Dr Deepthi

    While postpartum hair loss is normal, there are medical conditions that can cause hair loss, such as thyroid problems or anemia. If you feel like youre shedding a whole lot with no end in sight, mention it to your doctor to rule out other problems, says Dr. McIntosh.

    The only treatment for post-pregnancy hair loss, though, is patience. Theres no magic vitamin or secret supplement that can prevent the shedding, she adds.

    If your thinner hair is bugging you, try a new haircut or invest in a volumizing shampoo. And look on the bright side: With a new baby demanding your time and attention, your hair was probably going to end up in a ponytail, anyway.

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