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Who To See About Hair Thinning

How Thinning Hair Occurs In Women Vs Men

Hiding Thinning Hair | How to Hide Thin Hair Fast

A healthy scalp has around 80 percent of its hair follicles in the growing stage while the other 20 percent is in the resting stage. Hair thinning and loss occur when that vital growing state either slows down considerably or stops.

What causes hair to thin out for women? Just like our bodies change with age, most women notice some hair thinning as they get older. This is quite natural. Its said that by the age of 50, half of women will complain of hair loss. If a womans thinning hair is related to female-patterned hair loss, then the thinning is believed to be 90 percent genetic and 10 percent hormonal. Youll probably be surprised to learn that female-pattern baldness affects about 30 million American women. You cant change your genetics, but thankfully, you can work on the hormonal aspect .

Thinning hair in women typically occurs slowly all over the entire scalp without a recession of the hair line . If a woman has female-pattern hair loss, it can lead to extreme hair thinning but rarely leads to baldness.

What about thinning hair in men? For men, hair thinning can start as early as puberty and progress for many years to come after that. The thinning usually begins above the temples and travels around the perimeter and top of the head. Ultimately, this can result in a ring of hair often referred to as a horseshoe remaining along the bottom of the scalp. For a lot of men, hair thinning continues until there is no hair left resulting in a completely bald scalp.

Reasons For Hair Thinning

Your genes.These play a key role in male- or female-pattern baldness, which is a common part of aging. If youâre a woman, your hair may get thinner overall, but the condition isnât likely to make your hairline recede or bring on baldness. If youâre a man, your hair may thin near the top of your head, and youâre more likely to have a retreating hairline and balding.

Stress. Certain stressful events can make your hair look thinâsometimes a couple months after the stressful situation. Itâs a condition called telogen effluvium, and your hair usually grows back on its own. Triggers for stress-induced hair loss can include:

  • Childbirth

Why Consulting A Dermatologist Is Crucial For Hair Loss

For both women and men, its important to see adermatologist for many reasons if youre experiencing hair thinning:

  • Dermatologists can offer expert advice and help you get to the root of the problem more quickly than if you try to self-diagnose the issue on your own.
  • You can be prescribed medications, and get a biopsy if necessary.
  • Sometimes, your dermatologist will identify a more serious underlying medical issue that is causing your hair to fall out.

The only way to treat hair loss effectively is to identify the cause, said Dr. Kevin DeHart. We look at each patients total health history in order to diagnose them. There are a lot of reasons for hair loss, and its everything from a thyroid issue to a new medication to a recent trauma.

The best course of action is determined in part by the type of thinning you have. A scalp biopsy may be done in order to see hairs under the skin. Working alongside Dr. Kevin DeHart and Dr. Kelly DeHart, ParisersDr. Ashley Reed performs biopsies for us and helps determine the diagnosis. However, scalp biopsy is not common and only 10 percent of patients who come to Pariser Dermatology for thinning hair need a scalp biopsy.

Under the microscope youre going to see different things, for example the follicle size of the hair. This can show us, for example, whether testosterone has influenced the hair loss or if broken hairs indicate trichotillomania, which is pulling out hairs.

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Hair Transplantation May Be An Option For Some Women With Hair Loss

Women who are more distressed by their hair loss or have more significant hair loss may consider hair transplantation, says Bruce. This is an expensive and somewhat invasive procedure. Youre taking hair from a donor site, typically at the back of the scalp, and then redistributing those hair follicles to areas where the hair is thinner, she says.

Hair Loss Is Often Caused By Genetics

20 years old and I have noticed my hair thinning on my ...

Its important for women to realize that a lot of why they may experience hair loss is influenced by genetics and the aging process, says Bruce. A genetic cause doesnt mean that its necessarily something youve inherited directly from your mom or dad, she adds.

There are multiple different genes related to hair loss, and this is a very complex interplay of many genes. You shouldnt assume youve done anything to cause your hair loss, especially if you are otherwise healthy, says Bruce.

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How Many More Hair Loss Doctors Do I Need To See

Do I REALLY have to see that many hair loss doctors? Havent I seen enough hair loss doctors? It is normal to feel overwhelmed with already seeing several doctors to determine the cause for your hair loss. Many women with hair loss have shared this experience so know you are not alone. Some women share that one type of doctor ended up being much more helpful than the other type, but still would suggest seeing both to get a full diagnosis and rule out many issues.

We would highly suggest seeing more than one doctor in each field. The more experience hair loss doctors have brings more knowledge which is important as well as comforting. Hair loss doctors that have much experience should also have a good bedside manner and understand that with hair loss also comes the need for emotional support and sensitivity and truly sharing their concern is just as important and giving a solution.

Do your research before making that appointment. Ask around. Call the office and ask to speak to the doctor. If this is not an option, as some questions to the receptionist about the experience of the doctor.

Do they see a lot of women with hair loss?

What do you see the treatments often end up being?

Do they order blood work at the first appointment?

How many years of experience?

Nonpharmaceutical Treatments For Hair Loss

Although there is no miracle cure, says Bruce, other options that can help with FPHL include:

  • Platelet rich plasma injection is a procedure in which the patients blood is drawn and the blood is spun in a centrifuge so that the platelets are concentrated then they are injected into the scalp, says Bruce. The theory is that the platelets have growth factors and they will stimulate hair growth, she says.
  • Low level light lasers These laser combs, helmets, and other devices can be used at home without a prescription. The laser light has been shown to stimulate hair growth in a few studies, according to the AAD.
  • Supplements Ablon recently completed a study looking at a nutraceutical supplement, Nutrafol Womens Balance Capsules, which contain bioactive compounds derived from food sources, including curcumin, ashwagandha, saw palmetto, and tocopherol. The six-month results were published in the January 2021 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, and the 12-month results will be released shortly, says Ablon. Researchers compared results at 6 months and 12 months of treatment and found that mean total hair counts increased significantly and progressively. Global hair quality measures significantly improved, by 40 percent, with few or no side effects, along with a decrease in hair shedding, according to the authors. Ablon received a research grant and financial support from Nutraceutical Wellness Inc., the manufacturer of the supplement.

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Try To Minimize Stress

Stress and hair loss can become a vicious cycle: stress can lead to hair loss, which can lead to more stress, which can lead to more hair loss but the good news is that there are proven ways to stop the cycle in its tracks. Meditation, calming music, and even laughter are scientifically proven methods to de-stress.

Sometimes vitamin and nutrient deficiencies cause hair loss. However, its best to talk to a medical professional before you go vitamin or supplement shopping.

Treating Hair Loss In Your 20s And 30s


At Toppik, we have made it our job to help people like you find the best hair loss cure and solution for your particular hair needs.

If you are looking for a temporary cosmetic solution for hair loss, consider trying Toppik Hair Building Fibers to cover any areas of thinning hair or scalp show-through. Available in nine shades that can be mixed to match almost any hair color, Hair Fibers come in four sizes to help with a wide arrange of hair loss needs. You can either shake or spray the Hair Fibers into thinning hair, and watch as your hair is instantly transformed. This is the quickest way to get the confidence you once had with a full head of hair.

Hair loss can be emotional and stressful, but it doesnt have to be. The Hair Toppiks blog is a safe place of community and support where we hope everyone feels comfortable, but most importantly its here to show you that you are not alone in your struggle for a hair loss cure.

Write, email or leave a comment below if you want to share your hair loss story with us we hope it will inspire others and be a positive light on the emotional toll hair loss can take on others just like you.

Stay In the KnowWe want everyone to know that hair loss can happen at any age, for a multitude of reasons, and to follow up on this story, next week well show you how your daily routine can damage your hair, and what you can do to fix it.

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At What Age Does Women’s Hair Start Thinning

Hair thinning develops gradually with an increase in age. Only 43% of women live with a full head of hair throughout their lifetime. Women’s hair starts thinning from the age of 20. In women, follicle miniaturisation increases to:

  • 12% by the age of 29
  • 25% by the age of 49
  • 41% by the age of 69
  • 50% by the age of 80

Natural Treatments For Thinning Hair

With some conditions, such as hair thinning, resulting from a traumatic life event, getting your hair back on track is just a matter of time and patience. If you know your hair loss is not at temporary problem or youre just looking to regain a prior level of thickness, these are the some of the natural treatments for thinning hair that will hopefully help to get your hair growth back on a healthy track.

1. Rule Out Medications

Its important to make sure that you dont take medications that could actually cause hair thinning. There are many medications that have been linked to hair loss. Make sure you know the possible side effects of your current medications as well as your supplements. If you know one of them may cause hair loss, that could be the culprit right there. Below I list some of the most common medications that can contribute to thinning hair and hair loss.

2. Herbs

Saw palmetto extracts and supplements can work well for hair thinning because they keep testosterone levels balanced. Opinions about saw palmetto as an effective hair growth agent are mixed, but there are studies that indicate it to be beneficial.

One study conducted at the Clinical Research and Development Network in Colorado tested 34 men and 28 women, aged 1848 years, who topically applied saw palmetto extract in lotion and shampoo base for three months. The results found that 35 percent of the participants had an increase in hair density.

3. Reduce Stress

4. Balance Hormones

5. Foods that Help

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Answer: Female Hair Loss

A hair transplant surgeon is an excellent provider to visit regarding female hair loss. A dermatologist is also a good route to go if one wants to rule out treatable or preventable causes of hair loss. If one decides on going to a dermatologist, it is wise to find one with advanced training or an interest in hair loss.

Facts & Figures On Hair Loss

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You may feel alone if you are experiencing hair loss, but after looking at statistics, we hope youll see that almost everyone is affected by some type of hair loss in their lifetime.

For women, thinning hair and hair loss affects roughly one in four women, and 95% of those affected suffer from androgenetic alopecia. On average, women dealing with hair loss are between 25 and 35 years old.

This is a big contrast from the perception that thinning hair and hair loss is only related to older men and women.

Furthermore, 24% of women equate losing hair to losing a limb. This is how deeply emotional thinning hair and hair loss can be, especially for women.

By the age of 35, 66% of American men will experience some type of hair loss, and by the age of 50, about 85% of men will have significantly thinning hair.

For men with male pattern baldness, 25% will begin to see thinning hair or hair loss before they reach the age of 21.

These numbers prove that hair loss is not just an issue for older men and women, but in fact affects many men and women in their early twenties and thirties as well.

There may be a silver lining to thinning hair and hair loss at a younger age though your body may be more receptive to hair growth products and hair loss cures because hair follicles may still be capable of regrowth at this earlier age.

Next well take a look at the different causes for hair loss, and why they might be happening at a younger age

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Medications To Treat Hair Loss

Treatment depends on the underlying cause, says Dr. Scott. Sometimes simply addressing a medical condition prompting hair loss will be enough for the hair to regrow. In other instances, a woman might consider a medication like minoxidil , which helps with certain types of hair loss, or another treatment to replace or regrow lost hair.

A newer option being used to treat hair loss is platelet-rich plasma injections. For this treatment, the doctor draws your blood, divides it into its separate components, recombines the blood fluid with a high concentration of platelets , and introduces the resulting preparation back into the scalp.

The science on this isnt totally worked out. We still dont completely understand the mechanism behind PRP, but growth factors contained in platelets can stimulate regeneration of hair follicles and other tissues as well, says Dr. Scott.

In addition, low-level LED laser lights have been found to be helpful in regrowing hair in some cases. Its likely that even more treatments will be developed in the near future.


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