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How To Correct Thinning Hair

Could Your Hair Loss Be Stress

5 Reasons Why Your Natural Hair Is Thinning | HOW TO FIX IT!

Excessive levels of stress can cause hair loss in men and women. Many people do not realize that stress can have a physical impact on your body. Severe stress over the course of a few months can lead to extreme fatigue during the day and hair loss.

If you start to notice your hair thinning, eliminating stress is a great first step. You can start engaging in more activities you enjoy and try to decrease the number of extreme stressors in your life. If stress was the cause of your hair loss, then when your stress level decreases, it’s likely that your hair will grow back.

Explore Your Hair Loss Treatment Options

It never hurts to do a little bit of research when exploring treatment options for hair loss. But at some point, you’ll probably want to talk with a healthcare professional so that you can get a professional opinion about how to combat hair loss.

We don’t recommend cutting corners by exploring cheaper homeopathic and all-natural remedies as an alternative.

Drugs like finasteride and minoxidil are clinically proven to treat male pattern baldness and even reverse hair loss with a majority of men, and theyre approved by the FDA.

As great as hair loss medicine is, theres still a catch: you have to be committed. That means using the products exactly as directed and sticking to a treatment regimen for the long-term.

What Is Hair Loss And Thinning

The hair is made of a dead protein, called keratin. Keratin is a fibrous structural protein of hair that is made of epithelial cells on the skin. The hair follicle attaches each hair into the skin, and the hair bulbs begin to grow at the top of the head. Although there are different types of hair, the one we will be discussing today is terminal hair. Terminal hair is the hair on your body and head and can be mainly associated with hair thinning. Hair also has a growth cycle that includes the phases of the hair called anagen, catagen, and telogen. When the hair forms it is in its anagen phase when it is transitioning it is in its catagen phase, and when the hair is resting it is in its telogen phase. Hair thinning occurs either by genetic reasons or is simply caused by poor eating and health habits, as well as biological factors such as age and gender. Hair thinning and loss can arise at any age and is common in both men and women, it also occurs when follicles stop producing hair and the hair shaft becomes smaller. This makes it difficult for hair to be produced and in turn causes hair loss or thinning. Next, we will be discussing ways on how to detect early signs of hair thinning and hair loss.

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Shampoos For Hair Loss

Shampoos that moisturize the scalp can create a healthy environment for hair regrowth. Anti-dandruff shampoos like Head & Shoulders and Dove Dermacare Scalp contain zinc pyrithione , an ingredient that removes dead skin cells that could be preventing growth. Plus, all of that itching and scratching from a dry scalp can lead to excess shedding.

Whats more, hair thinning can also stem from a hormone called DHT . DHT signals hairs to shrink and become vellus hairs , says Caroling Chang, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Rhode Island Hospital and member of the Prevention Medical Review Board. It does this by changing the hair cycles and causing a shortening of the growth phase and increase in the resting phase, she explains. In this case, consider a DHT-blocking shampoo like Alterna Haircare.

What’s The Go With Minoxidil Treatments

How to Fix Hair Loss or Hair Thinning?

If you’ve done some research, you’ve probably come across some hair thinning products that contain an active ingredient called minoxidil – traditionally a high blood pressure medication .

“Minoxidil acts as a vasodilator, which can assist the restriction caused by DHT in the presence of female pattern hair thinning ,” explained Evans-Frost.


Okay, let’s break this down a little. While minoxidil can assist in female pattern hair thinning , it may not work for all types of hair loss.

“As many would have read and seen online, minoxidil is touted as a cure-all for all types of hair loss. However, this is not true.” When the hair loss is diffuse , it is more to do with the hair cycle – so the use of minoxidil may not work.

Again, we reckon it’s best to chat with a specialist before going gung-ho with the minoxidil treatments.

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The Thyroid Disease Connection

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that rests in the front base of the neck. It secretes thyroid hormones that are used by every cell in the body. Theres a connection between hair loss in women and thyroid disease. Imbalances in thyroid hormone levels are a common reason for hair loss in women. Too much thyroid hormone and too little thyroid hormone may both trigger hair loss. Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism include weight loss, rapid heart rate, inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, and anxiety. In addition to hair loss, hypothyroidism may be associated with weight gain, fatigue, feeling cold, slow heart rate, and constipation. Luckily, thyroid hormone imbalances are easily detectable with blood tests. Treatment helps alleviate symptoms, including hair loss.

Why Is My Hair Thinning

Its important to know the reasons why hair thins out to help prevent it from happening prematurely. While aging naturally causes hair to thin, other lifestyle factors can also influence the thickness of your locks. Smoking is one such example that can put you at a higher risk of becoming bald. Due to their toxins, cigarettes can hinder the blood flow to your follicles, causing thinning. Likewise, as your strands are made up of protein fibers, not enough protein in your diet can also have a significant impact on your hair. Other factors that can contribute to hair thinning include stress, some medications, and medical conditions.

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Hormonal Changes Or Medical Conditions

Certain conditions may result in temporary or permanent hair loss. For women, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause may be the culprit. For both sexes, hair loss may be a result of alopecia areata, inflammatory bowel disease , lupus, diabetes, liver conditions, renal failure, a thyroid issue, a scalp infection like psoriasis or dermatitis, or trichotillomania.

Patients may also experience hair loss when they have certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies, like B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, zinc, copper, selenium, or biotin. Diet adjustments may gradually help the hair return.

Surprisingly, several medications and supplements may also contribute to hair loss. Patients report this side effect for certain blood pressure, arthritis, cancer, and heart drugs, as well as for some antidepressants. Additionally, radiation treatment for some medical conditions may also result in temporary hair loss.

Shampoo For Thinning Hair


Today, there are many fantastic shampoos available for men with thinning hair. Designed to nourish hair and encourage growth, these products can be highly beneficial for those with sparse strands. In particular, shampoos that contain blockers for DHT can be highly useful for preventing the thinning of hair. Additionally, selecting products that are as natural as possible is also ideal.

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How To Fix Thinning Hair

Medically reviewed by Katelyn Hagerty, FNP

Seeing lots of hair in your shower drain or blowing around on your hardwood floors? Youre not alone: Two in three men suffer from male pattern hair loss by age 35.

And it often starts earlier: About 25 percent of men who struggle with thinning hair and excess hair loss can noticeably tell the difference by the time they turn 21.

Luckily, there are many options for how to fix thinning hair in males, including diet, lifestyle changes and medications. Read on to regain locks youll love.

Thinning Hair Dont Panic Girl Your Dermatologist Is Here

Are you or someone you know suffering from hair loss? Youre not alone. According toHarvard University, about one-third of women experience hair loss at some time in their lives and among postmenopausal women, as many as two-thirds suffer hair thinning or bald spots.

As dermatologists, twin brothers Dr. Kevin DeHart and Dr. Kelly DeHart have seen it all when it comes to hair loss. Typically, women wait longer than men to come in about their hair struggles. However, the sooner you see a dermatologist, the sooner you can begin the hair regrowth process.

Timeliness is a factor when it comes to hair loss, said Dr. Kelly DeHart. If you leave hair loss untreated for years, you may not see as much regrowth as you do when you see a dermatologist within a few months of noticing symptoms and beginning treatment.

When it comes to hair loss, treatment is indefinite. While there isnt a cure, there are some great treatment options that can make a big difference when it comes to hair regrowth.

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How To Fix A Receding Hairline

Unfortunately, you cant control where your body starts to lose its hair. Thats up to DHT , the hormone behind if and where your body will start to shed its hair.

However, certain habits may help stave off male-pattern baldness and the subsequently receding hairline:

  • Protein affects keratin, the protein key to thicker hair growth. Although its not an absolute correlation, individuals with low-protein diets tend to have finer hair.
  • B vitamins, zinc, iron, and silica also affect hair heath, especially Vitamin B12. Generally, youll see vegetarians who are often deficient in this vitamin with thinner, finer hair.
  • Addressing dandruff isnt just for appearances. Rather, many men who live with male-pattern baldness also have dandruff both symptoms of an unhealthy scalp. Thus, dealing with this issue can clean up the scaling that may permanently damage hair follicles.

How To Address Hair Loss In The Early Stages

Fix Thinning Hair with Invisablend

Did you know that approximately 85% of American men will experience some level of androgenic alopecia by age 50? Perhaps knowing youre not alone isnt enough to make you feel better, but understand that advancements in medical science have made it more likely to stop the signs of balding from progressing.

A study in 1998 examining male pattern hair loss in men aged 18 – 49 found that 42% experienced moderate to extensive hair loss, and this got worse with age .

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Can Hair Grow Back After Thinning

The good news: You absolutely can regrow thinning hair. In fact, the answer may already be in your pantry. Read on to find out how typical items in your kitchen honey, apple cider vinegar, and even an avocado can help thicken hair naturally and solve some common age-related hair problems that may have you feeling less than confident.

The Power Of Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto comes from the fruit of a small palm tree and is regarded as a hair growth wonder herb. Saw palmetto might help block the activity of 5-alpha reductase , an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone – a hormone linked to hair loss.

DHT is believed to be one of the leading causes of male pattern baldness.

Restore men’s thinning hair with natural shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments.

Natural men’s shampoo for thinning hair and men’s hair thickening conditioners provide volume, so your hair looks noticeably thicker and healthier. This can be helpful if you’re a fella with thin or naturally fine hair.

These natural men’s hair thickening products also contain vitamins and amino acids that moisturize your scalp and promote hair follicle growth.

When shopping for these products, look for products that contain all-natural ingredients like argan kernel oil, sage extract, evening primrose oil, and saw palmetto.

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Cancer Treatment Is A Trigger

Radiation and chemotherapy used to treat cancer are some of the common causes of hair loss in women. Both therapies harm hair follicles in addition to killing cancer cells. People undergoing cancer treatment often experience dramatic hair loss as a result of these therapies. They may wake up with clumps of hair on their pillow or they may lose large amounts of hair in the shower. Rapid hair loss in women often starts within 2 weeks of beginning treatment. It may be worst between 1 to 2 months into therapy. The scalp may be extra sensitive during this time. It may be irritating to wash, brush, and comb hair. The good news is that once cancer treatment is over, hair tends to grow back.

Where Is The Hair Loss

How To Fix Thinning Hair Ways To Stop Hair Loss [Quick And Easy]

If you are noticing a receding hairline or loss specifically in the crown area, these can be signs of balding. A more random pattern or evenly spread loss of hair is usually an indicator of hair thinning.

If your hair seems to be falling out in patches, you could have alopecia, a condition that causes a person to lose patches of hair. Consult a doctor if you think this to be the case.

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Turn To Hair Color For Volume

Surprisingly, some say hair dyes might actually plump up the hair shaft just enough to make it appear more voluminous, so adding color can be a very good thing, as long as you don’t go overboard and begin to damage your hair.

At the same time, your colorist can apply highlights to give thinner hair the illusion of more volume. Adding a few different shades brings in contrast that adds dimension and makes hair appear thicker.

The placement of highlights can do the same thing: Painting them on with balayage can give your colorist more freedom to add body with color.

Hair Begins To Fall Out

Why, after years of dedication, does our hair betray us by starting to thin? It all leads back to the changing life cycles of our hair. Whether you have naturally thin or thick hair, the individual strands typically have a life cycle of between two and seven years. When hair falls out naturally, its replaced with new hair, and the cycle continues. However, as we get older, the hair strands become smaller and have less pigment. Because of that, the regrowth rate slows, and some follicles stop new hair production altogether. Why? There are many factors that contribute to the slowdown of new hair production.

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What Causes Hair Loss In Men

Although there are several kinds of hair loss, the most common is male-pattern baldness, which has the fancy name of androgenic alopecia.

This affects all men to an extent, but like many things in life, your genes determine how prone you are to this process. Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad!

Male-pattern baldness is caused by the hormone Dihydro-testosterone . This hormone is formed from the conversion of free testosterone found in the blood by the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase. For men genetically predisposed to male-pattern baldness, the follicles on top of the head are sensitive to DHT.

These follicles begin to miniaturize, with fewer hairs growing from each follicle, which results in hairs becoming finer, and continues until the follicle is no longer able to produce hairs.

Aside from male-pattern baldness, other causes of hair loss include illness, infections, conditions like alopecia areata, and lifestyle factors like stress, diet, and smoking.


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