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HomeMust ReadHow To Stop Excessive Hair Loss After Pregnancy

How To Stop Excessive Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Beware Of A Hair Tourniquet

Hairloss after pregnancy – Causes and cure

New mothers also should watch out for hair tourniquets. A hair tourniquet forms when a strand of hair falls out and wraps around a babys toe, finger, or other body part. A single strand can wrap so tightly that it cuts off circulation or causes an infection.

Dont panic. The likelihood of your baby getting a hair tourniquet is very rare. Knowing what to do, however, can be helpful.

If you see a shed hair wrapped around your baby finger, toe, or other body part, you must remove it. Here what you should do:

  • Look for a loose end and gently unwind the hair.

  • Sometimes you will not see a loose end, so youll need something to gently cut the hair, such as a small knife or scissors.

  • If you cannot remove the hair because it is wound too tightly or enmeshed in your babys skin, you need to get medical help. Call your babys doctor or take your baby to the emergency room. Sometimes a doctor has to remove a hair tourniquet.

Ditch The Hot Styling Tools

The last thing your hair needs after giving birth is to be ravaged further with hot styling tools. These can damage your remaining hair and even make it look thinner.

If you can, let your hair air dry and pat dry gently with a soft towel.

Be gentle while brushing and even invest in a wide tooth comb which is gentler on knots. Hair may come out in clumps if you brush too vigorously.

What To Do About Postpartum Hair Loss

You can’t prevent postpartum hair loss. It’s a normal part of the recovery from pregnancy. There aren’t any treatments to stop telogen effluvium or to speed up new hair growth. Doctors recommend eating a healthy and balanced diet. This may help hair grow after the shedding phase ends.

The hair you shed after having a baby will grow back over time. However, you may notice that you have a lot of new hairs that are much shorter than the rest of your hair. These are the new strands growing in, and they are a normal part of the postpartum hair growth process.

You may not like the look of your hair during the shedding and regrowth phase. In that case, you can use styling products or techniques to improve the way your hair looks. Try lightweight conditioners to avoid weighing hair down and making it look limp. Volumizing products can make your hair appear fuller. A fresh cut or new color can also improve how your hair looks. Your stylist might be able to suggest styling tips that would help as well.

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It Might Be An Underlying Health Issue

Growing a baby is a lot of work for your body. It increases your risk of several health issues, including:

Got iron?

Pregnancy increases your risk of iron deficiency anemia. If youre carrying multiples , have severe morning sickness, or got pregnant soon after giving birth, your risk is even higher.

Low iron levels mean you dont have enough red blood cells to efficiently carry oxygen through your body. This causes hair thinning, along with several other symptoms:

  • exhaustion
  • shortness of breath
  • frequent headaches

Since anemia isnt a preggo-only condition, your hair probably wont get its volume and shine back until you address your iron levels.

If youre pregnant and think you might have anemia, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can determine whether you need iron supplements.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

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We all know that maintaining a healthy diet is an important factor for optimal health and wellbeing. For postpartum women in particular, a healthy diet can help your overall recovery and stop postpartum hair loss from progressing.

Make sure your diet includes the necessary balance of vitamins and nutrients found primarily in vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruit. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated.

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Hair Loss After Surgery: Why Does It Happen And What Can You Do

Most invasive surgeries, as necessary as they may be, arent easy on the body. The trauma of surgery is why we need sedation and anesthesia during procedures and why it takes days or weeks to recover. After surgery, the disruption to the bodys normal functioning can linger and manifest itself in many ways, including temporary hair loss.

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Seasonal Hair Fall Myth Or Reality

Many people tend to notice hair shedding in the late fall and winter. During this period, hair shedding in men and women tends to increase. According to medical research, our scalp responds to changes in daylight hours. The longer daylight hours in summers triggers the telogen phase and therefore hair shedding occurs in late autumn or winter. The process is completely normal and can be prevented by taking the vitamins essential for healthy hair growth.

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Signs Of Hair Loss After Baby

Women, in general, lose close to 100 strands of hair every day even when they are not pregnant. However, about 4 to 6 months after delivery, you may observe clumps in your hairbrush or clogging in your drain. This is the first and only sign of postpartum hair loss, and the same gradually reduces as your baby gets ready to blow the candle for her first birthday.

In case the hair fall persists, consult your physician for treatment.

Modify Your Hair Care Routine

How to stop Hairfall after delivery | Stop Hairloss after pregnancy | Stop Hairfall after delivery

You may find that modifying your hair care routine can help stop further hair loss. Try using a postpartum hair loss shampoo that is fortified with biotin and silica and a deep-moisture conditioner.

Hair is more fragile when wet so brush gently after you wash your hair or wait for it to dry. Set your hairdryer to a cool setting and avoid using hot rollers or straightening irons to prevent further damage that can be caused by excessive heat.

Your hair may also benefit from other specialty products that a dermatologist can recommend, like scalp sprays and hair masks.

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Do I Be Worried About Hair Loss After Pregnancy

No, you should not be worried until there are severe signs of persistent hair loss even beyond the first year post delivery. Hair loss after pregnancy is normal and it is not like the actual hair fall, rather dermatologists call it as a phase of hair shedding which is triggered by a fall in oestrogen levels. And it is not a worrisome condition, as most women recover within a years time. But if at any point you feel you are experiencing an unusual hair loss, check with your gynaecologist immediately and take this ahead to a trichologist for treatment

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss

The average person loses about 100 hairs a day, but not all at once, so you don’t notice them. When you’re expecting, however, your pregnancy hormones keep those hairs from falling out leaving your hair looking as lush as a supermodel’s, or so thick that you can barely get a brush through it.

But all good things must come to an end, and that includes your awesome new ‘do. When those hormones drop back to normal, the extra hairs drop, too.

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How Can I Stop My Hair From Falling Out After Pregnancy

Unfortunately, you cant stop hair shedding that results from that initial drop in oestrogen, says Anabel. If postpartum hair fall is going to occur, it must be left to run its course. But try not to worry, the loss is only temporary and all hairs lost should grow back as usual.

While there isnt anything you can do to halt this shedding, there are ways to help keep your remaining hair healthy, avoid losing your locks to any other external factors.

Support your hair with a healthy, balanced diet with lots of protein and omega oils advises trichologist and colourist Hannah Gaboardi. I recommend Hairburst for New Mums which has a really good formula containing biotin, B vitamins and Folic Acid to prevent thinning hair, breakage and encouraging hair growth. Theyre safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Minimising heat styling is also a good idea, along with using shampoos and conditioners that are free from parabens and sulphates.

Go Easy On The Styling

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When youre experiencing hair loss after pregnancy, the best way to stop hair shedding is to just leave your hair alone. That means minimal styling for a while until things go back to normal.

When possible, let your hair air dry instead of using a hairdryer, which dries your hair out and weakens it further. Heat-styling implements like curling irons and flat irons also make your already-fragile hair brittle and dry, and they can actually make the appearance of thinned-out hair more obvious.

Also, avoid anything that pulls or puts tension on your hair. This includes hairstyles like braids, weaves, and cornrows, and hair accessories like rubber bands or barrettes. Minimize hair brushing to just once a day, and use a wide-toothed comb when possible. Headscarves and bandanas are a great way to cover bald patches or uneven hair while still looking stylish.

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Is Hair Loss After Pregnancy Normal

Yes, its very common. During pregnancy women tend to find that their hair stops shedding and as a result becomes thicker. After childbirth, this excess hair tends to shed over a short period this is not hair loss in the traditional sense, simply the loss of the excess hair that built up during pregnancy.

In some cases, postpartum hair loss may be related to the stress of childbirth. Its believed that childbirth can trigger telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss characterised by widespread thinning on the head.

How To Stop Hair Loss After Birth Control

Find the best castor oil for hair to help you manage your hair fall due to birth control pills. Birth control raises your hormones close to pregnancy levels and pregnant women don’t shed hair at a normal rate.

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What Are The Signs Of Sudden Hair Loss Due To Childbirth

A few months after giving birth, you notice a massive hair loss. You lose over 100 hairs a day whereas the average person loses between 40 and 80 hairs per day. Vigourous, shiny and thick during your pregnancy, your hair looses its strength after childbirth and they are falling out sometimes at an alarming rate. You find them everywhere and feel like they are falling out in clumps. This is a sudden hair loss post-pregnancy. This hair loss can naturally decrease after a few weeks/months but sometimes without treatment it can last longer.

Switch Up Your Shampoo And Conditioner

How To Stop Hair Fall After Pregnancy? Post Pregnancy Hair Loss Prevention!

We all have our favorite hair products, but you may want to consider switching it up during this time. Your average shampoos could be overly clarifying, meaning theyre stripping your hairs moisture too much. Your hair maintaining moisture is necessary to see any type of growth after postpartum hair loss.

Nioxin System 1 Cleanser Shampoo for Natural Hair

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, you want to use a gentler shampoo, maybe consider a more moisturizing one.

For as conditioning, youll also want to use a very moisturizing one and make sure youre using it after every shampoo. So, for those of you that try to get lazy on wash day and hope a leave-in conditioner alone will do the trick, think again. Youll need to incorporate both types of conditioner into your hair routine for postpartum hair loss.

ArtNaturals Argan Hair Growth Conditioner

Postpartum hair loss is not a pretty part of the pregnancy aftermath, but it is quite common. Its easy to get down on yourself during this trying time, but you are not alone in the struggle. To learn more about hair growth, read How To Grow Long Healthy Strands Naturally.

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Treating Hair Loss During Pregnancy

If youre pregnant and experiencing hair loss because of stress or hormones, or if you are in the postpartum phase, there may not be anything special you need to do. In these conditions, time is most often whats needed.

If you do feel there is an underlying condition, a professional can help you navigate the choices to find the best and safest treatment for you. Some treatments for hair loss, such as minoxidil, are not considered safe during pregnancy. On the other hand, medications such as levothyroxine, used to treat hypothyroidism, can be safely taken, as it has been categorized by the FDA as having no proven increase in the frequency of malformations or harmful effects on the fetus. Given the different types of treatments available, speaking with your doctor is the first step in coming up with an actionable and safe plan for treating hair loss while pregnant.

Is Hair Loss Normal During Pregnancy

Small patches of hair loss are quite normal during pregnancy . Research states that nearly 40 to 50% of pregnant women suffer from hair loss, but the good thing is that this is just a temporary phenomenon.

Hair may become drier because of the progesterone hormone that is released in high amounts during pregnancy. This can make the hair break and crack near the roots, mostly in the later stages of pregnancy.

Hair loss during pregnancy could be due to various reasons. But if the loss is unusual, you should check with your doctor to know the exact cause behind that.

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Causes Of Postnatal Hair Loss

On average we all shed between 50 to 100 hairs a day we just dont really notice. In pregnancy this number is less due to rising oestrogen levels. As trichologist Anabel Kingsley tells Bazaar, this keeps hairs in the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle for longer than usual hence why hair often feels thicker and fuller when youre expecting. However, once the baby is born, or breastfeeding is stopped, oestrogen levels drop and return to normal, causing about 50 per cent of us to experience postpartum hair loss around six to 12 weeks later. Here, hairs that were kept in the growth phase move all at once into the telogen phase, creating substantial hair fall.

Trichologist Eva Proudman adds that its not only fluctuations in hormones at play, but multiple factors. Postnatal hair shedding, she reveals, can also be caused by a loss of blood during the birth, a lack of sleep, increased anxiety and diet. While it doesnt matter what type of delivery you have, you do find different types of pain and physical discomfort from the different births , blood loss and fatigue can also really vary and these two factors will affect postpartum shedding, she explains. A very traumatic birth with a greater blood loss may impact underlying blood stores, that in turn exacerbate hair loss and may be a factor in a slow or non-recovery of the excessive hair shedding.

2) Supplements

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