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HomeCauseWill Too Much Magnesium Cause Hair Loss

Will Too Much Magnesium Cause Hair Loss

How Does Magnesium Help Grow Thick Hair

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Even though our hair is dead outside, theres a lot of work going on inside the hair follicles to build hair. Since magnesium takes part in making protein as well as the growth of cells, adequate supply of magnesium ensures that our hair is growing stronger and thicker and theres no interruption in the hair cycle to cause premature hair fall.

Moreover, magnesium is beneficial for the health of the blood vessels. It helps to relax and dilate the arteries and also reduce its calcification . Thats good news for the entire circulatory system of our body. And for our scalp too. This means that the small, tiny blood vessels of our scalp work better. And bring essential nutrients to the hair follicles and remove harmful waste from them.

Besides, magnesiums calming role is also very beneficial in reducing hair loss.

Stress can wreak havoc in our body. It brings about hormonal surge to make us ready to fight or flight. So if you get super stressed over an argument with a friend or a work deadline, your body reacts just as strongly as if youre facing a real life-or-death situation which is rarely the case. Frequent episodes of stress stimulate adrenal glands to produce more cortisol and androgens. And too high levels of androgens are harmful to our hair. They can trigger inflammation of hair follicles, causing them to shrink over time. And shrunk follicles will produce thin, weak hair that will fall out easily.

Stages Of Hair Growth

There are 4 stages of hair growth in the hair cycle, from actively beginning growth from the root to hair shedding. These hair conditions are known as the Anagen phase, Catagen phase, Telogen phase, and exogen phase.

The stages of hair growth begin with the anagen phase. Its the longest phase, lasting about 3 to 5 years for the scalp hair on your head. The duration of anagen length determines hair length. At the end of the anagen phase, the hair follicle enters into a catagen phase.

The catagen, transition phase starts when the anagen phase ends, and tends to last about 10 days or so. During this chapter, hair follicles shrink and hair growth slows. The hair also separates from the bottom of the hair follicle, yet remains in place during its final days of growing. The hair follicles are the point from which the hair grows. The lower part is destroyed and the dermal papilla breaks away to rest below. The basement membrane surrounding the dermal papilla and weaker staining in the cells of the dermal sheath. In this phase, the cell division and pigmentation stop.

The telogen, resting phase typically lasts around 3 months. An estimated 10 to 15 percent of your scalp hairs are in this phase. Hairs dont grow during the telogen phase, but they dont usually fall out either. This phase is also when new hairs start to form in follicles that have just released hairs during the catagen phase.

How Do You Know You Lack Magnesium

You may think of doing a blood test. But, its not an effective way of detecting magnesium levels. Thats because most of the magnesium is stored in our bones or inside the cells. And only 0.3% of magnesium is in the blood. So a blood test may or may not give a true status of magnesium.

But certain signs and symptoms can tell us if you are low in magnesium. And these include the following

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

  • Asthma
  • you can see more here

With all the troubles lack of magnesium can cause, resolving the deficiency is relatively simple. Other than eating magnesium-rich foods, there are three ways you can up the magnesium levels, lets have a look

3 Ways to Get Enough Magnesium for Good Hair and Health

  • Magnesium Oil for Hair Loss
  • Epsom Salt Soak
  • Magnesium Pill
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    Magnesium Prevents Calcium Build Up

    First of all, magnesium helps prevent calcium build up on your scalp. Yes, build up is not only caused by stacking layers of hair products on your hair. Calcium build up is caused by hard water, among other things. Due to the build up, calcium clogs the hair follicles, making the scalp dry and flaky, it has a negative effect on healthy hair growth and can eventually lead to hair loss.

    Magnesium naturally counteracts calcium by slowing calcium production and improving calcium circulation. In this way, magnesium ensures that calcium goes to your bones where it is needed, instead of building up on your hair and scalp. In addition, it helps to release hair follicles clogged by calcium and thus stimulate hair growth.

    Magnesium aids in protein synthesis

    Magnesium also contributes to normal protein synthesis. This is a process in your body that produces proteins. When you consider that your hair is almost entirely made up of protein , you can imagine that normal protein synthesis is important for the growth of your hair. Better protein synthesis means healthier hair and a more predictable hair cycle. Just like many processes in the body, think of your period, your hair also has a certain cycle. In the hair cycle, phases of growth and rest alternate. Protein synthesis also helps your body to produce melanin, a substance that prevents your hair from turning grey.

    Should We Be Checking Blood Levels Of Magnesium

    Too Much Vitamin D Cause Hair Loss

    There are many causes of hair shedding or telogen effluvium. Common causes include intense stress, thyroid problems, crash diets with sudden weight loss, and medications. However, a wide variety of other triggers have the potential to cause hair loss. Deficiencies in various minerals are also potential causes of telogen effluvium. Deficiencies in zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, for example, all have the potential to trigger hair loss.

    A 2004 study reminded us that testing for magnesium deficiency may be reasonable in women presenting with concerns about diffuse hair loss and diffuse hair shedding. The normal adult value for magnesium is 1.6-2.5 mEq/L and hypomagnesemia is generally defined as a level of serum magnesium under 1.6 mEq/L or 1.5 mEq/L.

    Tataru and Nicoara studied three groups of women age 16 to 40. Group A was made up of 26 women with diffuse hair loss for which the cause was unknown. Group B consisted of 14 women with diffuse hair loss for which the cause was known . Group C consisted of 24 women without hair loss.

    The authors found in the first group , there were 12 cases with hypomagnesemia and the average magnesium level was 1.80 mEq/L. In the second group , there were 3 cases and the average magnesium level was 1.99 mEq/L. Finally, in the control group the authors found 2 cases hypomagnesemia and the average level was 2.23 mEq/L These data suggested that low magnesium levels were indeed more likely to be found in women with diffuse shedding.

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    Vitamin D3 And Magnesium Ratio: Things To Consider

    Since they work together, it is important to get the ratio of Vitamin D and magnesium correct when supplementing. The best course of action is to test your Vitamin D and magnesium levels and consult your doctor before beginning a supplementation regimen.

    Here are some things to keep in mind when considering dosing ratios of Vitamin D and magnesium.

    The recommended dosage of Vitamin D supplementation varies based on the age of the patient. The rough breakdown is as follows:

    • â0â1 year: 10 mcg â
    • 1â13 years: 15 mcg â
    • 14â70 years: 15 mcg â
    • 71 years and older: 20 mcg â
    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 15 mcg

    While Vitamin D toxicity cannot be caused by overexposure to sunlight, it can result from over-supplementation. Doctors also recommend a daily upper limit of supplementation, which again varies by age:

    • â0â1 years: 25 mcg to 38 mcg â
    • 1â13 years: 63 mcg to 75 mcg â
    • 14 years and older: 100 mcg â
    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 100 mcg

    Vitamin D toxicity springs from over-calcification of the veins. Symptoms include nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, bone pain, and kidney stones.

    As far as magnesium goes, doctors recommend the following doses of magnesium, with variations between the sexes at older ages:

    • â1â3 years: 65 mg â
    • 4â8 years: 110 mg â
    • 9 years and older: 350 mg

    Habits That Are Making You Lose Hair


    Suddenly seeing clumps of hair on your pillow in the morning or clogging up the shower drain can be scary. But hair loss isnt just from agingthere are some bad habits that could the cause. An average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs each day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology . If youre seeing bald patches or thinning, however, read below to see if its your behavior thats the culprit.

    The body uses vitamin A to help with vision and hair growth, however, high levels of vitamin A can have a converse effect and contribute to hair loss. Avoid taking excessive vitamin supplements that could cause a spike in your vitamin A. Certain medications can also be responsible for elevated vitamin A levels, particularly retinoids commonly used to treat acne and psoriasis. While you are taking retinoids there is not much you can do about hair loss, says Dr. Shapiro. However, once you stop medication or excessive supplements, your hair should resume its normal growth.

    One other vitamin to pay attention to: vitamin D. Though studies are not conclusive, some research suggests that low levels of vitamin D and iron can cause thinning hair in women. Ask your doctor to test your vitamin D and iron levels, and discuss whether or not you should take a vitamin supplement.

    What if your habits aren’t the cause?

    There are many other reasons your hair may be thinning:

    Also Check: Why Do I Have A Lot Of Hair Loss

    What’s The Right Dose For Me

    Most Americans do not get the recommended amount of magnesium per day, Keatley says. Gannon adds that it varies based on gender, age, and life stage, but says, “For adults, the recommendation is 310 to 420 milligrams per day. The NIH suggests most women aim for about 310 to 320 milligrams a day, although pregnant women may need a little more.

    And though that may sound high if you’re not used to thinking about magnesium, it’s pretty easy to hit that dose if you’re eating the right foods. Gannon adds, As a point of reference, one ounce of almonds contains about 80 milligrams.

    Hair Loss And Other Symptoms Of Magnesium Deficiency

    Here’s Why Stress Causes Hair Loss

    Magnesium deficiency is a major biochemical cause of hair loss in women. It affects the thyroid, metabolism, the heart, nervous system, muscular-skeletal system, digestive system and more. Magnesium deficiency is call, Hypomagnesia. Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

    • Hair turning gray or white, especially prematurely.
    • Thinning of the hair.
    • Facial hair growth .
    • Anxiety.
    • Severe PMS.
    • Vertigo.

    Note: You may not suffer from all of these symptoms, but if you have one or two symptoms as well as any type of hair loss, a magnesium deficiency could be the culprit.

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    How Can You Optimize Your Consumption

    Cut down on sugar, steer clear of pre-made and pre-packaged foods, incorporate healthier foods in their natural state, take part in stress-reducing activities and take a magnesium supplement, Passler adds. Magnesium can be found in many foods and Passler recommends for it to be consumed in green leafy vegetables every day. Other foods to incorporate include fresh fruit, fish, nuts, beans, whole grains and even chocolate. Monitoring the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet is highly important. Most people are unaware that they are magnesium deficient and numerous ailments can be improved and/or cured by adding a magnesium supplement.

    The good news is you would have to really above and beyond to suffer any risks of over-consuming this mineral. According to Passler, too much of it will result in minor digestive issues, and way, way too much has been associated with serious heart conditions. But at the end of the day, he assures, These side effects are usually from extremely large quantities and are more likely to occur in someone with another health condition or taking a medication that affects magnesium levels in the body. However, keep in mind that its always a good idea to run any big dietary changes with your doctor.

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    Magnesium Oil For Hair: Everything You Need To Know



    If you’re just now delving deep into the supplement world, you’ve likely learned that magnesium is very, very good for you and your body. The mineral helps keep your blood pressure regulated, builds strong bones, and is great for your heart health. And if you’re getting into supplements, it’s likely you’re aware that a lot of people don’t get the recommended amount of magnesium in their bloodstream. There are plenty of foods that are high in magnesium, like green leafy vegetables or nuts.

    What you might not know, however, is that magnesium can be great for your hair and your scalp. Because it’s a mineral, magnesium can help break down calcium deposits caused by hard water, support hair growth, and it’s considered an anti-inflammatory. Wondering how you can integrate magnesium in oil form into your haircare routine? We consulted with Nava Greenfield, MD, of Schweiger Dermatology Group in Brooklyn, NY, to find answers to all the things you’ve been wondering.

    Meet the Expert

    Recommended Reading: Why Does Stress Cause Hair Loss

    Hair Loss Due To Magnesium Deficiency Why Can Magnesium Work Against Hair Loss

    The mineral magnesium helps with countless metabolic processes. Three of these are known to counteract the dreaded hair loss:

    • Magnesium promotes blood circulation
    • Magnesium helps against stress
    • Magnesium inhibits inflammation

    In case of circulatory disorders on the scalp, the hair root is poorly blooded and the hair loses strength and becomes dull the hair loss is programmed. Stress is a source of hair loss here too, magnesium is helpful to reduce it. Once the scalp is sensitive, the bellows become more easily inflamed. At the end of it is the hair root. These are also affected and the hair disappears. Here helps another bonus of magnesium. It is a natural anti-inflammatory.

    I’m Considering Taking Magnesium Supplements What Are My Next Steps

    The Main Reasons for Hair Loss In Women

    First and foremost, give the doc a ring. Generally, adding magnesium-rich foods like fish and almonds to your diet is harmless, Keatley says, but stresses that you should always talk to your doctor before starting a supplementation routine. Gannon agrees, adding, Your best bet is to talk with your doctor if youre thinking could help you.

    First, a physician can do a full medical history, physical exam, and order any necessary tests to help you figure out if theres a serious underlying health issue going on. Second, a doctor can advise of any possible contraindications with regard to other health issues or medications youre taking. For example, magnesium can cause poor absorption of antibiotics and bisphosphonate .

    It could interact with other supplements youre already taking too. Iron and zinc fight for the same receptors in the intestine to enter the bloodstream, so if you’re taking iron, zinc, and magnesium at the same time you may be causing a big fight for space that results in deficiencies in all three, Keatley explains.

    And as for dosage, going above the maximum recommended amount for adults 350 milligrams, according to the NIH is a bad idea, because it can cause cramping, nausea, and diarrhea. Taking way too much can even cause an irregular heartbeat or heart attack.

    Read more about supplements:

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