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HomeFactsHow Can I Treat My Dogs Hair Loss

How Can I Treat My Dogs Hair Loss

Other Things To Consider

Dog Hair Loss Home Remedies

There are several other therapies you can try. An oatmeal bath will soothe your doggos skin while you gently wash the tender parts. Aloe Vera oil applied topically will alleviate itching and discourage scratching. Finally, take advantage of almond oil as a moisturizer and for its hair-strengthening nutrients.

Grooming Is Extremely Important

It can be the little things that cause the problem and the little things can be quickly corrected. Dirt and the oil which builds up in your dogs coat can cause some of the skin problems you are worried about. Grooming includes brushing the coat carefully on a routine basis. That is going to allow the natural oils that are part of the dogs body to be evenly distributed. It means that there is no oil buildup in one area that can cause skin problems to develop. Matting is something that can lead directly to dry skin. The grooming sees to it that the matting is removed and that skin is better able to receive the air that it needs.

What Is Scaly Skin

Dogs of all ages and breeds are susceptible to scaly skin however the problem may be more likely to occur in very young or old dogs, dogs who are immunocompromised or living in suboptimal environments. Your dog will likely be irritated by scaly skin and your first clue of an issue may be your dog scratching, chewing and licking himself more than normal.

Exfoliative dermatoses is a group of skin disorders which manifest in scaling skin or dandruff. Root causes, severity and treatment methods vary, but exfoliative dermatoses is typically the result of excessive shedding, excessive accumulation of skin cells, or loss of skin cells ability to bond together.

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Reasons Your Dog May Be Losing Hair

Why do dogs lose hair, you ask? There are many reasons that could be causing your pups thinning hair and bald spots. But in order to treat your pup, you need to figure out the primary cause of their hair loss. So if you notice any sort of hair loss on your dog, contact your vet immediately so you can work together to get a diagnosis.

These are 8 reasons why your dog may be losing hair:

1. Allergies: Allergies are one of the most common reasons for a dog itching and losing hair. Dog dermatitis especially is a major cause of hair loss in dogs.

Dogs can be allergic to pollen, mold, dust mites, or other environmental factors. Dogs can also be allergic to food. But in order to treat your pups allergies, you need to figure out exactly whats triggering them.

Dog food allergy symptoms can look different from environmental allergy symptoms, so its important to keep a close watch on your dog and monitor their symptoms if they suffer from allergies. Some common symptoms of allergies include itching, biting, and hair loss. Consult with your vet for the best treatment for their allergies.

2. Infections: Bacterial skin infections can cause redness, hives, alopecia, pustules, and scabbing. These can commonly occur secondary to dermatitis. Fungal infections, such as ringworm, can also cause hair loss in dogs. If you suspect your dog is suffering from an infection, bring them to the vet immediately.

Causes Of Hair Loss In Dogs


Alopecia in dogs can be a result of a number of skin conditions and cases can range from gradual to acute. The most common causes of hair loss in dogs include:

  • Mange, an occurrence caused by the mite Demodex.
  • A disruption in the growth of hair follicles caused by trauma, infection, immune disease or endocrine system abnormalities.
  • Hair follicle inflammation.
  • Allergic reactions: this may be to food or items in your dogs environment.
  • Diet and feeding: poor diet can often be a cause of hair loss in dogs.
  • Parasites and fleas: these can cause intense itching and you may notice your dog losing hair around their lower back, inner thighs, neck and ears.
  • Bacterial skin infections or hot spots.
  • Ringworm: if the cause is ringworm, it will typically display as circular patches of flaky, red, hairless patches.
  • Overgrooming: grooming is obviously normal, but sometimes dogs may do it excessively due to stress or pain.
  • Seasonal alopecia: some dogs may experience hair loss each autumn which may take around 6 12 months to regrow. This type is most common in Boxers, Bulldogs, Dobermans and Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
  • Inherited: alopecia in dogs can be inherited if your dogs mother of father suffered from it.

More widespread hair loss in your dogs coat may indicate a more specific disease, so its always important to see your vet as soon as you suspect your dog may be losing their fur.

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How To Get Rid Of Dog Dandruff

Do dogs get dandruff? Yes, they can. You may have noticed the not-so-welcome flakes sitting atop your precious pups fur during your last grooming session.1 Just like people, dogs can develop dandruffalthough rather than on their heads, pet dandruff tends to show up on a dogs back, face and flanks.

Are white flakes hanging around your home and dog a nuisance? Absolutely! But theres no need for alarm or panic when dealing with pet dandruff. In most cases, dandruff is very manageable. With a bit of determination and patience, you can help your dogs coat regain its healthy look and feel.

Dandruff is fairly common in pets, but its important to discover its origins so you can accurately assess and rid your pet of annoying flakes.

Before we dive into the various ways you can rid your pet of the flaky nuisance, lets first discuss the leading causes and symptoms associated with pet dandruff.

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The Last Word In Healthy Coats: Zinc

Many Dog Supplements For A Healthy Coat include zinc. You might be aware that many diaper-rash creams are zinc-based for their protection and healing of skin problems. You can use this type of cream on your pooch, but talk to your vet to determine the right kind. Adding zinc to the diet is essential, as it boosts immunity, helps with enzyme production, and creates a beautiful coat. Zinc can be found in beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and salmon. Dog foods that are plentiful in zinc include:

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Purchase A Humidifier For Your Home

This can be a big help for some inside dogs. Low humidity in a house with central heating or air conditioning aggravates dry skin, which is why this problem is relatively uncommon in outdoor dogs. It is not the best nor the only solution, however, and if your dog is still eating commercially produced dry dog food that has been sitting on a shelf, he will be lacking the nutrients he needs for healthy skin. The best way to tell if you need a humidifier is to look at your own skin. If it is dry, especially if you have noticed it itching, then a humidifier is a good option.

Why Do Dogs Lose Their Fur

Must Have For Treating Hair Loss In Dogs

If you notice that your dog is experiencing hair loss, your vet will most likely want to run tests to rule out any contagious conditions, like mites or scabies, as the cause. Theyâll also want to know the history of the hair loss, so keep track of when it started, and let them know if there are any other symptoms. â

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Give Your Dog A More Natural Diet

Food can play a significant role in the health of the haircoat of your dog. First things first, replace the name brand store-bought dog food with a more natural brand food.

Try to introduce some homemade options to the dog. For example, you can offer some cooked chicken breast to your dog. You may also provide fully cooked vegetables or fully cooked rice to the dog.

To ensure a properly balanced homemade pet diet, you should discuss homemade diets with your veterinarian. Another useful resource for balanced homemade diets is BalanceIT , which can provide a range of options for homemade foods while ensuring balanced nutrition.

What Can I Give My Rottweiler For Hair Loss

Just make sure you make an Omega-3 supplement part of your rottweilers daily diet. Theyre lives are short enough, we think they deserve the best we can give! Learn More about Project Paws Omega-3 Select Soft Chews. Each bottle provides up to 21 meals for shelter dogs!

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Apple Cider Vinegar Wash

Apple cider vinegar holds a status akin to lemon juice when it comes to natural home remedies. Chock full of a beneficial acid, acetic acid, ACV has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Make use of the ACV remedy by applying it to the affected area with a cotton ball or swab. Wash it off after a while, so it doesnt do any damage. Since it helps boost ones immune system, you can also add a couple of drops to their water.

If the problem is no longer localized, it is easier to treat it with an antifungal bath. An ACV bath treats symptoms of yeast infections, along with bacterial issues. An undiluted vinegar bath is a more effective way of treating hair loss naturally because it covers so many bases.

How Can I Stop My Dogs Hair From Falling Out

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The first thing you have to do is figure out why your dogs hair is falling out in the first place. Is it something that can be treated with a topical treatment or oral medication? On the other hand, is it due to stress and anxiety or a change in routine? Once you figure out why its happening, its a lot easier to target that particular cause in order to stop it from continuing.

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Diseases And Disorders That Cause Alopecia In Dogs

Of course, on the more severe end of the spectrum of causes for dog hair loss, youll find a variety of diseases and disorders that may be indicated by bald spots. Some of the diseases that might cause hair loss are related to your dogs organ function or hormone production, while others may even be autoimmune or cancerous.

One of the more common causes for hair loss in dogs is canine Cushings syndrome, also known as Cushings disease. Along with patterned or complete hair loss along the back, body, and tail, a dog with Cushings often experiences excessive thirst and muscle weakness. Cushings disease causes your dog to release too much cortisol, the stress hormone, which contributes to the other symptoms.

Skin disorders can also cause hair loss. Your dogs skin and coat are closely related and the entire ecosystem is interrelated, meaning that skin problems can cause hair problems, and vice versa.

Black Scabs On Dogs Neck

Black scabs o the dogs neck can be very irritating to the dog and embarrassing to the owner. Typically, when your dog is seen with scabs, people automatically believe that you do not take good care of your dog.

People do not know that black scabs are a skin condition that is caused by different factors including infections, poor nutrition, too much grooming, allergies, and parasites.

However, when you notice the scabs on the dogs neck ensure that you call or take the dog to the vet for medication.

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Hair Loss Home Remedies

Provided your furry friend doesnt seem to be exhibiting any more serious symptoms, try out a few home remedies to see if they can assist. Youll likely want to experiment with a number of home cures, so take notes about what you used and whether it seemed to have an impact on Harrys hair loss. If you do end up having to consult your vet, your records will come in handy.

Skin Testing Can Include Impressions And Scraping

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Because of the close relationship between your pets skin and coat health, there will likely be some skin testing as your veterinarian tries to diagnose the problem with their hair. Skin scrapes use a small blade to shear off skin cells that your veterinarian can look at under a microscope to identify mange mites.

Skin impression smears are when your doctor presses the slide against your pets skin to identify the growth of various bacteria, including yeast. Other skin tests can identify various allergies your dog may have.

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Home Remedies To Help With Hair Loss In Dogs

Just like humans, dogs suffer from hair loss, too!

Although most dogs shed their hair, some breeds tend to do it more often and to a greater degree than others. It is especially common for dogs to blow coat to adjust and adapt to seasonal changes. They usually shed more during the summer than the winter months.

This happens due to the seasonal shedding rotations related to variations in light. However, if your dog is shedding more than normal, especially to the point of developing bald patches on the body, theres a good chance your pet pup is suffering from canine alopecia, which warrants proper attention and care.

Is It Normal For Dog’s Hair To Fall Out

Some shedding is completely normal but losing more hair than this can be concerning. There is a difference in the amount of hair loss between normal shedding and hair loss.

Hair loss may include skin changes or bald spots. By contrast, seasonal shedding is normal, and your dog will still have healthy skin.

That being said, a dog losing more of its hair coat than from shedding is not too abnormal.

Many dogs experience it at some point. You should, however, consult your vet, especially in the case of extreme hair loss or other symptoms.

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What Causes Dog Hair Loss

Multiple issues can arise and cause a dogs hair loss problem. It is important that dog owners are aware of the possible causes so they will know when to seek treatment from the vet.

  • Skin allergies
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Foreign body reactions

Because some of the above conditions can be serious, dog owners need to take their dogs to the vet before they attempt any home remedies for dog hair loss.

Cbd Oil For Dog Hair Loss

Skin Ulcers and Draining Lesions in Dogs

Another natural product you can add, in addition to these remedies, is CBD oil for dogs. CBD oil from hemp is a rich source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

You can also think along the lines of adding the CBD oil to your pets food to reduce irritation and swelling. The Gammalinolenic acid present can also regulate the endocrine system of your pet. Omega 3s and GLA are what make CBD one of the best home remedies for hair loss in dogs.

Allergies to food or environment are the number one cause for your dog losing hair. According to this governmental study, the Endocannabinoid System was determined to be a target for the treatment of allergic skin diseases in dogs. This means that cannabinoids, such as CBD , may be beneficial for your dogs hair loss problem.

The ECS and cannabimimetic compounds protect against the effects of allergic inflammatory disorders in various species of mammals. The results of the present study contributed to the knowledge of the endocannabinoid system. They indicated this system might be a target for the treatment of immune-mediated and inflammatory disorders such as allergic skin diseases in dogs.

Many brands of CBD products and oils are specially formulated for pets. These products are usually made from an extract of the hemp plant. To reduce symptoms such as itching, excessive hair loss, irritation, minor swelling, and allergic reactions, veterinarians are starting to recommend the use of CBD oil.

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