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HomeHow To Get Finasteride For Hair Loss

How To Get Finasteride For Hair Loss

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Finasteride (Propecia) For Hair Loss

Yes, licensed medical doctors can prescribe Proscar online after a medical evaluation.

You can speak with one of our online doctors to learn more about Proscar (Finasteride. Book an online appointment with one of our top doctors using your phone or computer. During your virtual visit, a physician will review your symptoms and medical history to provide a diagnosis. If the doctor determines that a patient would qualify for Proscar, they can write a prescription and electronically send it to a nearby pharmacy for pickup.

Does Finasteride Regrow Hair

While some people can see hair regrowth after taking finasteride for a certain period of time, itâs better to think of the medication as a prevention method. Finasteride results vary from person to person.

One study showed hair growth improvements in 48% of study participants after one year of taking finasteride, and 66% of people saw improvements after two years .

But when it comes to prevention, 83% of people who took finasteride didnât see any more hair loss after two years. So we know the medication works pretty well to prevent male pattern baldness, even if it doesn’t promote hair growth in everyone.

How Was Procelinyl Developed

ProCelinyl was developed using an AI-guided compound discovery pipelineput simply, we taught a machine to model and identify chemical compounds that might be successful at causing DPCs in the hair follicle to grow and grow faster. A smaller sample of those predicted compounds were screened and tested, then fed back into the machine learning algorithm to improve the results even further.

After tests for safety and efficacy, only one candidate remained as the best of the bunch: ProCelinyl.

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Remember Manufacturing Centers Require Fda Approval And Pharmacies Require Nabp Approval

All goods made in the U.S. must follow FDA guidelines. Even if the given substance of a hair loss treatment does not require FDA approval, or does not already have approval, products manufactured within the U.S. are required to follow the regulations set forth. However, the standards put in place predominantly exist to prevent endangerment to consumers. Just because a manufacturer follows guidelines does not mean they are using quality materials. So how does one guarantee they are receiving quality materials? Consumers should always research the origins of whatever supplements or treatments they take. Brands often build a reputation for quality materials and manufacturing standards, Dr. Cole’s brands among them. This is why online reviews can be so integral. Also always exercise caution. Plenty of comments can come from the same user who has some sort of incentive to post. Consumers are typically best off ignoring comments on vendor sites -forums typically have more traffic. However, established users on forums may also receive any number of kickbacks or incentives to recommend this or that service. Below is a good example of a suspect poster because of their history on the forum, lengthy recommendation, and spelling out of “dot.

Contrast it with this simple and honest post from someone with more of a posting history. .

Is One Better Than The Other

Finasteride for Hair Loss

Studies have found that dutasteride is more effective at treating male pattern baldness. This medication is not only shown to be potentially more effective at treating hair loss but also shows the same rate and types of side effects as finasteride. That means you likely wont be trading efficacy for more side effects. If for some reason, you cannot use dutasteride, finasteride may be an optionespecially if youre in the beginning stages of hair loss since it shows its greatest efficacy at slowing or stopping hair loss rather than regrowing hair.

There are other considerations your healthcare provider may take into account. Since dutasteride is more effective at lowering DHT and is FDA-approved to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia , it may be prescribed to treat both hair loss and BPH simultaneously .

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Do I Have To Make An Appointment With My Doctor For A Consultation

One option is to make an appointment with your own GP to discuss hair loss treatment.However, if it is more convenient you can also have an online consultation with our Doctor. Through the confidential, online consultation process our Doctor can assess your condition and medical history and decide if it is appropriate for you to take Finasteride.

How Does Finasteride Work For Hair Loss

The most common cause of baldness is androgenetic alopecia, a genetic condition affecting men and women. The exact cause is unknown, but its believed to involve a sensitivity to the male hormone dihydrotestosterone . For people affected, DHT causes hair follicles to shrink and weaken, eventually causing hair loss. Finasteride slows down your bodys conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. When less DHT is present, there will be less hair loss and increased hair density.

Typically, it is believed that hair loss is due to anagen, the long growth phase of hair growth, is shortened, and with this medication finasteride, the very fine hairs revert back into a robust anagen growth phase, says Beth Goldstein, MD, president at Central Dermatology in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Dr. Goldstein says that women in her practice are happy about the decreased hair loss after taking finasteride. She explains that most people prefer the tablet over the topical form of the medication, simply because its easier to remember each day.

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What Does Research Say About Finasteride For Hair Loss

Finasteride, in laboratory experiments, has shown to reduce male pattern baldness in men and female pattern baldness in women. Let us have a quick glance at those studies.

Japanese scientists tested the effect of 1 mg Finasteride on 2,561 Japanese men with androgenic alopecia . Hair count increased greatly in 11% men, moderately in 36.5% men, and slightly in 39.5% men. Also, the response rate had improved with an increase in the treatment duration .

Another study by American scientists found that 1 mg/day of finasteride slowed hair loss and boosted hair growth in men over a 2-year treatment period . A review paper in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology observed that topical application of finasteride decreased plasma DHT in men and women .

Sixty-five men with androgenic alopecia were treated with a combination of finasteride 1 mg/day and topical application of 5% Minoxidil. Both the medications could treat mild to severe male pattern baldness .

Excessive testosterone production in some women may lead to irregular periods, hirsutism , and androgenic alopecia . Finasteride is not effective and possibly dangerous for women of childbearing age. However, a 67-year-old lady without hyperandrogenism showed significant hair growth when treated with finasteride 5 mg for a year .

How Does Dutasteride Help Regrow Hair

How Long Should I Take Finasteride For?

Each hair strand goes through four stages of the growth cycle, namely anagen , catagen , telogen , and exogen .

Androgenetic alopecia or AGA occurs during the anagen phase. The anagen phase becomes shorter, leading to hair follicle miniaturization. AGA is caused due to the conversion of testosterone to DHT, a process triggered by the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme. Dutasteride inhibits this enzyme and may help prevent hair loss . In a study, varied hair regrowth was observed in patients treated with dutasteride. However, dutasteride does not offer a guarantee for hair regrowth. Its results vary between individuals .

Dutasteride is often compared with finasteride, which is another medication popular for treating hair loss. But which of the two is more effective?

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Getting A Prescription For Finasteride

  • Dermatologist
  • Will Nurse practitioners prescribe Finasteride?
  • Dosage: 1mg vs 5mg?
  • Propecia v Proscar v Generic?
  • Refills and duration of prescription?
  • What background on me to be prepared to share
  • What resources to show the doctor?
  • Dermatologist

Background on me Getting a prescription Filling the prescription

Why Is The 1mg Finasteride Tablet Used For Hair Loss

Dose-ranging studies were conducted in 1999 to help verify which dose of Finasteride is the best choice for male pattern hair loss.

In these studies, men were given either 0.1mg, 0.2mg, 1mg, or 5mg of Finasteride daily, or a placebo, and then their hair counts, self-reports, and clinical assessments were conducted by researchers.

The two lower doses of 0.1mg and 0.2mg were way less effective than the two higher doses, with the 0.1mg dose being about the same as the placebo .But, the two higher strengths of 1mg and 5mg were much better at improving hair counts, self-reports, and visual hair inspections.

The thing is, both the 1mg dose and the 5mg dose gave similar results, leading researchers to conclude that the 1mg dose of Finasteride is the optimal strength to prescribe for male pattern hair loss.

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Topical Finasteride Vs Placebo

In 1997, the first clinical trial on topical finasteride as a treatment for male pattern baldness, which lasted for 16 months, was completed. In this study, a 0.005% finasteride solution applied twice a day was found to decrease the rate of hair loss compared to placebo with just six months of application.

What Does All This Suggest

How Much Finasteride For Hair Loss

The results of these clinical studies suggest that increasing finasteride dosages quickly run into the problem of diminishing returns. In other words, you get the most benefits from a very small dosage of finasteride, which is far smaller than the standard 1mg daily dosage .

You must then need to increase the finasteride dosage many times over for a marginal further increase in hair growth and DHT suppression.

In a nutshell, there is a very small difference in terms of biochemical effectiveness and hair regrowth between the standard 1mg daily dosage and doses as small as 0.2mg or even 0.05mg.

Statistically, the 1mg dosage will give slightly better regrowth for the average user. But this difference will be very small compared to a 0.2mg dosage.

The other thing to consider is that finasterides main benefit is that it stops further hair loss. To the extent that users regrow hair, this regrowth will be meager. And the available data suggests that a dosage that is five or twenty times smaller than the standard 1mg dosage might stop hair loss just as effectively.

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Finasteride Warnings For Women

The reason finasteride has not been approved by the FDA for use in women who experience hair loss is because it may have a teratogenic effect. Half of pregnancies are unplanned. This means that women of childbearing age should not take any medication that can cause birth defects in the unborn child or feminization of male offspring. Research has only been done on rats. However, animal studies show that finasteride could cause issues with sexual development in males born to mothers treated with this medication.

Finasteride should only be used in post-menopausal women or women without the ability to have children due to risks of male fetus developmental issues that a pregnant women could experience when taking the medication, says Dr. Goldstein

Additionally, finasteride is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers because the transmission through the breast milk to the infant is unstudied. If you are considering taking finasteride, consult your doctor first.

How Do Hair Loss Medications Work

Hair loss medications work by reducing hair loss or stimulating new hair growth. Topical and oral products work in different ways.

  • Minoxidil. This medication works, in part, by shortening the resting phase of the hair growth cycle and moving hairs into the active growth phase. However, the exact mechanism by which minoxidil works isnt fully understood yet.
  • Finasteride. This medication works by blocking the action of an enzyme that converts the hormone testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone, that causes hair loss in men.
  • Spironolactone. This medication works by slowing down male hormones called androgens, which includes testosterone. It slows down hair loss due to androgenic alopecia and helps hair regrowth in women.
  • Dutasteride. This medication works much like finasteride. It inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

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Can Women Take Finasteride

Women of childbearing age should avoid taking finasteride as it increases the risk of external genital deformity in male offspring . Pre-menopausal and/or post-menopausal women can go for doctor-prescribed finasteride for reducing androgenic alopecia, only if other treatment options are not effective.

Hair loss is a common hair issue faced by all people of all genders. It affects your self-esteem and social life. One of the treatments recommended to manage and reduce hair loss is finasteride. While you can use finasteride for hair regrowth, there are some side effects that it may cause.

Lactating and pregnant women should steer clear of this drug. They can try the PRP treatment instead, which shows results in 6 months to a year. To promote healthy hair growth naturally, you should focus on eating healthy, exercising daily, sleeping well, and stress relief. Following a regular hair care regimen with steps like oiling your hair can promote hair growth.

Since it has adverse effects, you can try other natural alternatives that are healthier and safer. These alternatives work effectively without causing side effects. These natural ingredients contain anti-androgenic properties that can reduce hair loss. But, you should use these anti DHT-blends with caution.

What Terminology Should I Know

How I Use Topical Finasteride In My Practice

Before we get too far into the weeds, lets revisit some of the relevant vocabulary:

  • Testosterone: The major androgen, or male sex hormone.
  • Dihydrotestosterone : A metabolized version of testosterone, DHT is more potent at binding to androgen receptors than testosterone.
  • 5-reductase: The enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to DHT.
  • Androgen receptor: A structure that binds an androgenlike testosterone or DHTand generates a response, usually by regulating the expression of genes related to male sexual traits.
  • Agonist: A chemical that interacts with a receptor to activate it and generate a response.
  • Antagonist: A chemical that interacts with a receptor to bind and block an agonist from binding to it and generating a response.
  • Inhibitor: A chemical that disrupts a biological function, such as disrupting the metabolism of testosterone into DHT by interfering with the activity of 5-reductase.

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Using Oral Dutasteride For Hair Growth

Oral dutasteride capsules has been successful in reducing hair loss and increasing hair growth in many clinical trials. Research found that oral dutasteride was more efficacious than both oral and topical finasteride, the current leading hair loss treatment. Ninety men with androgenetic alopecia were randomly assigned to either a finasteride or a dutasteride group. Men between 18 and 40 years of age either received 0.5mg dutasteride or 1mg finasteride daily for 24 weeks. Hair counts at the start of the study and at the 24 week follow-up were measured in total hair counts per cm². The baseline for the dutasteride group was 223 and was 246 after 24 weeks, while the baseline for the finasteride group was 227 and 231 after 24 weeks. There was significantly more hair growth with the use of dutasteride as compared to finasteride.

Another study by the American Academy of Dermatology found that finasteride resulted in significant hair growth and restoration in men. In this study, 917 men aged 20 to 50 with androgenetic alopecia were randomized to receive either dutasteride , finasteride , or a placebo for 24 weeks. These results are corroborated by recent data released by JAMA Dermatology, which concluded that oral dutasteride outperforms every other male hair loss treatment. Current research indicates the potential for oral dutasteride to be the next big medication to treat male pattern baldness. It is not currently FDA approved but may soon be as more studies are underway.

Is More Better With Finasteride When It Comes To Hair Improvements

Researchers have concluded that the 1mg strength of Finasteride and the 5mg strength produce similar hair improvements, so taking more than the recommended 1mg Finasteride strength to help improve your hair will likely not give you much better results.

Also, there is a small risk of potential side effects with Finasteride, including erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorder, decreased ejaculate volume, decreased sperm counts, and a reduced sex drive.

So, if you take a higher strength of Finasteride than recommended by your doctor for hair loss, you will likely not see more hair improvements, but you may be at a higher risk of developing unwanted side effects.

âBottom Line: More is not always better, and higher doses may increase your risk of side effects. Always follow the instructions from your doctor and pharmacist when it comes to dosing and never change your dose or regimen without consulting with a doctor first.

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What Time Of Day Should You Take Dutasteride

There is no best time of day to take dutasteride. Choose a time of day that works best for you whether it be in the morning, evening, or night time, and make sure to consistently take it at that time in order to maximize the effectiveness of the medication. Dutasteride should be taken as a whole capsule daily on a regular basis for at least 3-6 months before seeing any benefits. In the case of a missed dose, do not double dose. Instead, resume your regular routine on the following day. The capsule should not be chewed or crushed because it can get into your semen and harm an unborn baby. The capsule is normally covered in a protective coating to prevent this from happening. Be sure to store dutasteride at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and light.

About Dutasteride Hair Loss

Must see

Dutasteride is among the best treatment for male pattern baldness. Bear in mind that it is for men only. If you follow our blog, you may know that our hair is sensitive to dihydrotestosterone . When testosterone converts into DHT, it causes hair falling out. Gradually, you can face to hair loss if not treated.

Scanning through many dutasteride hair loss reviews, we see that users find the drug work effectively. Also, the solution is used for benign prostatic hyperplasia in men.

People suffering from hair loss also take finasteride to treat their problems. Dutasteride vs finasteride hair loss, but which one is better? Compared to dutasteride, finasteride is the older type. It received FDA approval as a male pattern baldness treatment in 1997. It is available in two common versions, including 1mg and 5mg. In general, dutasteride and finasteride work effectively for hair loss. But it is necessary to consult your doctor before taking them. Ask him/her whether you are allergic to any ingredient in these drugs.


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